Evidence that points to the possibility of Stanton being on the west side of the entrance steps at some point:
1) Billy Lovelady's CE 1381:
"At the time the Presidential Motorcade passed the
Depository building heading west on Elm Street, I was standing
on the top step to the far right against the wall of the
entranceway to the Texas School Book Depository.
At this time I recall that William H Shelley, who resides at
128 South Tatum, Dallas, and Mrs Sarah Stanton, also of
Dallas, Texas, both of whom are likewise employed by the
Texas School Book Depository, were standing next to me."
As the President passes by Lovelady has himself positioned by the far west wall of the entranceway. In this clip from the Hughes footage it is possible to make out Lovelady by the far west wall as the President passes by:

Lovelady is clearly placing Stanton on the west side of the entranceway.
2) Stanton's CE 1381
"...I heard three shots after the President's car passed the front of the building but I could not see the President's car at that time."

It is clear from Altgens 6 that anyone standing on the east side of the entranceway has a clear view of the motorcade as the shots are being fired. Only someone standing closer to the west wall would not have this clear line of sight. Stanton appears to be saying it was not possible for her to see the President's car at the moment of the shots - "I could not see"
3) This interview with Frazier.
@ 51:10 in this interview:
“...a lady come by and she was crying, ‘cause she had been down by the sidewalk, somewhere down toward the triple underpass and she come by and she said, “They have shot the President”.
And so, Sarah, the lady I was standing by up on the top step back in the shadows...we looked at one another, and we really didn’t have a lot to say, we just listened to what the lady told us…”
Frazier identifies Sarah as being on the top step standing back in the shadows. People on the east side of the front steps are not standing in shadow. Only someone on the west side would be described as standing “back in the shadows.”
In this still from Darnell Frazier is clearly seen but where is Stanton?

Obviously there is Pauline Sanders statement that Stanton was on the east side of the entranceway and in other interviews Frazier seems to indicate Sarah was to his left. The common sense approach to all this evidence is that Stanton moved from the east side to the west as the motorcade approached.
That's exactly what advocates for Oswald as Prayer Man have done. There is not one scrap of evidence that places Oswald on the steps.
You sound like Alan here.
Why rule out Oswald as a potential candidate?
I don't believe Oswald took the shots but I can't say definitively where he was at that time.
It would be amazing if it were Oswald on the steps.
So why not accept it is Oswald on the steps?
Because there is not one scrap of evidence that places him there.
The question is - How can other researchers place him there?
How do you know it's a man?
Bill Lovelady saying "next to me" does not mean the Prayer Man position. You're inventing a false claim for your phony evidence.
It's funny how these Sarah Stanton enthusiasts always want to use other people's testimony, and then fabricate what they testified to, but always dismiss what Sarah Stanton testified to.
Sarah Stanton never placed herself in the Prayer Man position, nor did she ever mention in her FBI testimony that she spoke to Buell Frazier. In fact, she never even mentioned Frazier's name in her FBI testimony. But you, who were never there, have all the answers knowing exactly where you want her to be. That's comical.
Sarah Stanton stated that she immediately went inside the building after after hearing 3 shots and went upstairs to the second floor to look out the window to see what what happening. But then, you and Doyle, make up fake stories of Stanton chatting it up outside on the steps in the Prayer Man position.
Buell Frazier on several occasions confirmed that Stanton was standing to his left. Never once did he ever say she was the Prayer Man or she was to his extreme right. So, how can you claim she is the Prayer Man?
In fact, just recently, Frazier again said he has no idea who the Prayer Man is. Wouldn't he have said it was Stanton if she was indeed standing in that Prayer Man spot you claim she was standing in? How could he not know if he was talking to her as you claim? The reason that Frazier does not know, is because Stanton was never in the Prayer Man position and she was to his left as he always maintained. This simple fact proves your theory to be incorrect.
Obviously there is Pauline Sanders statement that Stanton was on the east side of the entranceway and in other interviews Frazier seems to indicate Sarah was to his left. The common sense approach to all this evidence is that Stanton moved from the east side to the west as the motorcade approached.

Ok, so now you are just making up your own false evidence like Doyle used to do. Good job and give yourself a big pat on the back!
It's amazing how people like you can just "move" a person from one spot to the next and claim that as your evidence.
You want Sarah Stanton to be in the Prayer Man position so badly that you invented your own fake evidence. You "moved" Stanton to the Prayer Man position (with her 300+ pounds) when she is always placed on the opposite side by two witnesses.
Sarah Stanton was identified on the opposite side by two witnesses, you can't move her into the Prayer Man position just because you want her to be there....C'mon man!
That's exactly what advocates for Oswald as Prayer Man have done. There is not one scrap of evidence that places Oswald on the steps.
The advocates against Oswald as Prayer Man (like you) foolishly try to place a 300+ pound woman (who was identified on the opposite side by two witnesses) in the Prayer Man position just so they can eliminate Oswald as a candidate. Even worse, you physically moved her to the spot juat saying "she moved" and claim that as your evidence. Talk about being desperate...that takes the cake!
You sound like Alan here.
Why rule out Oswald as a potential candidate?
I don't believe Oswald took the shots but I can't say definitively where he was at that time.
It would be amazing if it were Oswald on the steps.
So why not accept it is Oswald on the steps?
Because I base my research on facts and evidence. I don't make up phony theories and invent situations that never occurred to come to my final conclusion. The fact is too many researchers do that, and you're placing Stanton in the Prayer Man position, and your only "evidence" is to just say Stanton "moved". That's absolutely ridiculous and is not serious research.
Because there is not one scrap of evidence that places him there.
The question is - How can other researchers place him there?
I never said Oswald was the Prayer Man. Some researchers want him to be there and others like you don't. Until we know who exactly the Prayer Man is, you can't make up phony claims like "Sarah Stanton is the Prayer Man" when two witnesses and Sarah Stanton herself never place her there. And you can't claim a 300+ pound woman is the figure of a smaller framed person. That doesn't work which is why Stanton as "Prayer Man" is a joke.
How do you know it's a man?
The dead giveaway is the part on the right side of the head and the receding hairline. That's not a woman's hairstyle. And the shirt the Prayer Man is wearing is a man's shirt and not a woman's outfit.