If Baker's failure to recognize Oswald precludes Oswald being the man he encountered on "the third or fourth floor", doesn't it also preclude Oswald being the man Baker encountered at the front entrance?
Uh, no-----------the man caught walking away from the stairway several floors up was suspicious and hence memorable, the guy at the front entrance not at all.
Mr Baker's affidavit makes absolutely no reference to the all-important fact that the man caught walking away from the stairway several floors up is the selfsame man he has just seen being brought in in handcuffs. You can't explain this, can you, Mr Organ?
Truly and Baker would have to be in cahoots to lie under oath about the Oswald encounter occurring on the second floor.
Officer Baker told the truth in his 11/22/63 affidavit. Afterwards he was pressurized into supporting the lunchroom fiction. He knew Mr Oswald didn't shoot JFK.
Also, since the "conspirators" had Baker's "third or fourth floor" affidavit, why didn't they have Truly and Baker lie that the encounter took place on either of those floors; moves Oswald closer to the sixth floor?
Super-embarrassing for DPD to admit that their officer made such an extraordinary blunder as to set an obviously suspicious man (caught walking away from the stairway several floors up!) loose.
Also NB!-----the real possibility existed that Mr Oswald's front-entrance alibi would come to light (via e.g. a photo or a courageous witness or three). A story placing Mr Oswald several floors up so soon after the shooting would expose Officer Baker & Mr Truly as liars. A lunchroom story much less risky (physically possible for Mr Oswald to have come up a floor via the front stairs and then gone through the office area or corridor)
The "Dallas Morning News" of Nov.23 (with news from the previous evening) reported ...

"Police had encountered him [Oswald] while searching the building
shortly after the assassination. They turned him loose when he was
identified as an employee".
No reference to the front entrance.
Oh dear, Mr Organ, you should do your homework before wading in!
There are multiple references to a front-entrance encounter just after the shooting, e.g.
“As an officer rushed into the building Oswald rushed out. The policeman permitted him to pass after the building manager told the policeman that Oswald was an employee.” (Washington Post 11/23, quoting Chief Jesse Curry)
"Police said that a man who was identified as Oswald walked through the door of the warehouse and was stopped by a policeman. Oswald told the policeman “I work here” and when another employee confirmed that he did, the policeman let Oswald walk away, they said." (Sydney Morning Herald, 11/24).
"As the Presidential limousine sped to the hospital the police dragnet went into action. Hicks said at just about that time, Oswald came out of the front door of the red bricked warehouse. A policeman asked him where he was going. He said he wanted to see what all the excitement was all about." (London Free Press, 11/23, quoting Det. Ed Hicks)
Amazing that Postal Inspector Harry D. Holmes heard the same story from Mr Oswald. Mr Oswald must have been telepathic!
Here's what actually happened: Officer Baker raced up the steps and, seeking someone to show him the nearest stairway to the roof, asked Mr Oswald (standing by the front door) if he worked there. Mr Oswald said yes, but then Mr Truly arrived and offered to escort Officer Baker. This was later misrepresented as the officer challenging/stopping Mr Oswald.
Officer Baker then met a genuine Person of Interest (not Mr Oswald)--------------several floors up.
All this was known to Captain Fritz the afternoon of 11/22. Mr Oswald's claim to have gone "outside to watch P. Parade", and his story of encountering an officer and Mr Truly at the front entance, checked out.