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Author Topic: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )  (Read 330416 times)

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #1624 on: August 28, 2021, 02:01:11 AM »
Imo it’s possible that the meeting of Allman with Oswald occurrd at approx 2 min 15 secs post shots which allows that Oswald could have Followed after Baker and Truly have entered the TSBD at 35 sec post shots.

It’s dependent on if the passenger elevator was still operational ( power not cut yet) and if it was on the 1st floor.

If so, Oswald enters 15 secs behind Baker/Truly into TSBD lobby and as Baker/Truly are inside 2nd set of doors and focused on Truly getting thru the counter top , Oswald crosses floor unnoticed , reaches the passenger elevator on the 1st floor , takes it to 2nd floor.

The timing therefore Oswald exiting passenger elevator is approx 65 sec post shots, which then if Oswald goes down 50 ft hallway then 30 ft hallway at approx 5ft/sec pace would coincide with passing thru the Vestibule And opening 2nd floor lunchroom door approx 85 sec post shots. That coincides with approx rime of Baker/Truly arriving on 2nd floor landing using the rear staircase

15 secs of encounter with B/T and Oswald puts on his jacket from where in the lunchroom or closer he had taken it off when he was in the Lunchroom at 12:15 ( see by Carolyn

Oswald exits 2nd Fluor lunchroom approx 105 secs post shots  goes down rear staircase, (10 sec ) crosses 1st floor diagonally towards Truly front desk area. (10 sec )goes thru counter top (probably left open by Truly ) , (5 sec)crosses front lobby floor (10 sec) and exits front entrance door at approx 140 secs post shots or approx 2 min 20 sec post shots

This may be about  right for Alllman meeting Oswald at the steps if Allmans Interview with Newman’s on the GK took approx 1 min 30 secs

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #1624 on: August 28, 2021, 02:01:11 AM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #1625 on: August 28, 2021, 03:58:10 AM »
Imo it’s possible that the meeting of Allman with Oswald occurrd at approx 2 min 15 secs post shots which allows that Oswald could have Followed after Baker and Truly have entered the TSBD at 35 sec post shots.

It’s dependent on if the passenger elevator was still operational ( power not cut yet) and if it was on the 1st floor.

If so, Oswald enters 15 secs behind Baker/Truly into TSBD lobby and as Baker/Truly are inside 2nd set of doors and focused on Truly getting thru the counter top , Oswald crosses floor unnoticed , reaches the passenger elevator on the 1st floor , takes it to 2nd floor.

The timing therefore Oswald exiting passenger elevator is approx 65 sec post shots, which then if Oswald goes down 50 ft hallway then 30 ft hallway at approx 5ft/sec pace would coincide with passing thru the Vestibule And opening 2nd floor lunchroom door approx 85 sec post shots. That coincides with approx rime of Baker/Truly arriving on 2nd floor landing using the rear staircase

15 secs of encounter with B/T and Oswald puts on his jacket from where in the lunchroom or closer he had taken it off when he was in the Lunchroom at 12:15 ( see by Carolyn

Oswald exits 2nd Fluor lunchroom approx 105 secs post shots  goes down rear staircase, (10 sec ) crosses 1st floor diagonally towards Truly front desk area. (10 sec )goes thru counter top (probably left open by Truly ) , (5 sec)crosses front lobby floor (10 sec) and exits front entrance door at approx 140 secs post shots or approx 2 min 20 sec post shots

This may be about  right for Alllman meeting Oswald at the steps if Allmans Interview with Newman’s on the GK took approx 1 min 30 secs

Once again, there was no encounter with Officer Baker and Mr Truly in the second-floor lunchroom. Their encounter took place at the front entrance, as claimed by Mr Oswald, witnessed by Mr Lovelady and reported that day by DPD. Officer Baker and Mr Truly had another, much more significant encounter several floors up when Officer Baker caught a man wearing a light brown jacket (not Mr Oswald, of course) walking away from the rear stairway.

We know from Agent Hosty's draft interrogation report what Mr Oswald really claimed:
--------Visit to 2nd floor lunchroom to buy a coke BEFORE motorcade
--------Return to 1st floor
--------Then went outside to watch P. Parade.

The fact that the bogus ~official~ story of what Mr Oswald said (solo Bookhout report) would be that the officer came into the 2nd floor lunchroom at the time Mr Oswald was buying a coke gives the game away: it is so completely at odds timewise with what is in the earlier Hosty draft report as to tell us that Mr Oswald never said anything about any 2nd floor lunchroom encounter. All he talked about was an incident-free pre-motorcade visit to the lunchroom to buy a coke. The whole lunchroom encounter was a fabrication by the 'investigating' authorities designed to bury the location of the true encounter (front entrance)----------and explain away the encounter with the man caught walking away from the rear stairs several floors up. Just as Mr Oswald's claim to have gone outside to watch the P. Parade had to be buried for the simple reason that it was known to be veracious.

The decades-long argument between Warren Gullibles and CTs over the implications of the 2nd floor lunchroom encounter is, in short, an argument over something that never happened. A complete waste of time. As is any attempt to reconcile LHO-as-PM with the supposed 2nd floor lunchroom encounter.

Likewise, Ms Reid's story of seeing Mr Oswald with a FULL bottle of coke in his hand just after the shooting is exposed as a lie (unless one wants to resort to the silly idea that Mr Oswald went up and bought a SECOND coke just after the shooting).

Understanding that the the 2nd floor lunchroom encounter is a fictional event is ESSENTIAL to understanding the shocking story of how Mr Oswald's factual alibi was nixed.


Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #1626 on: August 28, 2021, 04:45:14 AM »
Well if it’s a CERTAIN fact that the CE 163 blue jacket was found in the Domino room a month after the assassination, then I could dismiss the plausibility of a 2nd floor lunchroom encounter entirely on the grounds there’s really NO reason left for Oswald(PM) to have ever gone back up there. He wouldn’t have bothered Imo to return his coke bottle either, which is why that bottle at the steps right where PM is standing, may be that bottle.

Thens it’s a matter of a meeting with Allman occurring about just after meeting Baker/Truly at 35 sec post shots.

If it’s about a 20 sec interval of meeting part of which is about 5 sec or more for Truly to move up the steps to join Truly, then it can work out with Allman meeting Oswald as early as 60 secs post shots pertaining IF the interview of Newman’s was only 30 sec and IF the total distance of ground traversed is approx 250 ft.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #1626 on: August 28, 2021, 04:45:14 AM »

Online John Mytton

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #1627 on: August 28, 2021, 12:05:43 PM »
From the Henry Wade late night 3:34, not in a lunch room but "saw this a corner". He then talks nonsense about the defendant missing although the manager just cleared him. This stuff has been stitched together hurriedly.


4:07 Next we hear of him where he got on a bus on at Lamar street.

4:47 He caught a taxi cab


Online John Mytton

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #1628 on: August 28, 2021, 02:07:50 PM »
You have the name of the cab driver?

Not only did I destroy you, I obliterated you, now be a good boy and go and play in the traffic. LOLOLOLOL!


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #1628 on: August 28, 2021, 02:07:50 PM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #1629 on: August 28, 2021, 07:32:19 PM »
Well if it’s a CERTAIN fact that the CE 163 blue jacket was found in the Domino room a month after the assassination, then I could dismiss the plausibility of a 2nd floor lunchroom encounter entirely on the grounds there’s really NO reason left for Oswald(PM) to have ever gone back up there. He wouldn’t have bothered Imo to return his coke bottle either, which is why that bottle at the steps right where PM is standing, may be that bottle.

Thens it’s a matter of a meeting with Allman occurring about just after meeting Baker/Truly at 35 sec post shots.

If it’s about a 20 sec interval of meeting part of which is about 5 sec or more for Truly to move up the steps to join Truly, then it can work out with Allman meeting Oswald as early as 60 secs post shots pertaining IF the interview of Newman’s was only 30 sec and IF the total distance of ground traversed is approx 250 ft.

Why can't Mr Oswald have simply lingered at the front entrance for a couple of minutes after the shooting, as others did?

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #1630 on: August 28, 2021, 07:33:47 PM »
From the Henry Wade late night 3:34, not in a lunch room but "saw this a corner".

He may actually be talking here about the west corner of the doorway

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #1631 on: August 28, 2021, 08:07:44 PM »
It is 2pm. Mr Oswald (blue arrow) has just been brought into the Homicide Office. Behind the door the officer is about to open (purple arrow) is Mr Bill Shelley, who is giving his first affidavit statement.

Mr Shelley's presence delays Mr Oswald's entry into that room, which must be cleared.

Now! Two things to note here:
1----------------------Mr Oswald is about to see Mr Shelley, who is his supervisor at the Depository
2----------------------Mr Shelley's first affidavit makes no mention of Mr Oswald

Here's what will happen:
--------------Mr Shelley will be asked to give a second affidavit, one that discusses Mr Oswald. Mr Shelley will tell whoever is taking this second affidavit that Mr Oswald was near him on the front steps at the time of the shooting.
--------------This information being unacceptable to the 'investigating' authorities, that second affidavit will tell us all about Mr Oswald with the exception of the single most crucial question: Did Mr Shelley see Mr Oswald at the time of the shooting? That question will be completely fudged through strategic omission.
--------------Mr Oswald, meanwhile, in his first interrogation in the back room will tell Captain Fritz that he went outside to watch the P. Parade. And he will mention Mr Shelley, whom he has just seen in what is now his interrogation room and is therefore someone who can be easily asked, as a witness who can back up this claim.
--------------The first OFFICIAL interrogation report for that session will
a) fudge the all-important question of where exactly Mr Oswald claimed to have been at the time of the shooting ("on the first floor")
b) make NO mention of Mr Shelley (whom Mr Oswald mentioned)....... but at the top someone will write in the name of He Who Cannot Be Named in the report itself, i.e. a man whom Mr Oswald named as a supporting witness for his alibi for the shooting

« Last Edit: August 28, 2021, 08:09:43 PM by Alan Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #1631 on: August 28, 2021, 08:07:44 PM »