It SEEMs to defy probability, however Oswald is basically a nobody at this point in time and so I guess it’s possible for such person to be virtually invisible
One might compare the fact that Mr Oswald was seen down on one around noon by Messrs Shelley and Piper. What's striking here is that, in a space where plenty of folk will have been circulating at that time, only two people noticed Mr Oswald. Weird, right? Not really. Being a nondescript nobody at this point, he was as you say virtually invisible to people. That continues to hold for the time of the assassination and for the minutes leading up to his exit from the Depository: Mr Oswald was, up to his arrest, a nondescript nobody.
DPD cop with gun drawn in white helmet on the other hand and a well known “and recognizable Boss” also having his hat on, it’s probably going to require Duncan’s Gorilla Unseen in the very midst of basketball players 😳
Quite! There was evidently
something about Officer Baker and Mr Truly's entry into the building that induced blindness/amnesia in those still on the front steps at that time. I believe this
something can safely be identified based on what Mr Oswald said in interrogation, what DPD were telling the press later that day and what Mr Lovelady told Mr Jarman within minutes of the assassination: Officer Baker and Mr Truly had their encounter with Mr Oswald right there at the front entrance, right after the shots had rang out.