"As i entered the door I saw several people standing around. I asked these people where the stairs were."
Question #1!
Do you believe there were several people standing around behind the glass door (i.e. on the inside) and that these were the people Officer Baker asked about the stairs?
Question #2 for anyone who answered Yes to Question #1!
Who can these several people standing around behind the glass door have been?

So Officer Baker, in his affidavit, gives us "several people standing around".
In his testimony, curiously enough, he will turn the "several people standing around" into several people who are
moving: "As I entered this lobby there were people going in as I entered". These people going in were the people he asked about the stairs.
Unfortunately his testimony change ends up painting a picture of an improbably crowded door: "As I entered... there were people going in". Not people already inside but people going in at the exact same time as he was!
But why the curious change from people standing around to people going in? Because he needs to move the asking-about-the-stairs moment from OUTSIDE to INSIDE. This is because he knows that IN REALITY he had been looking at one person in particular as he asked about the stairs, a man who was one of the several people standing around just outside the door.
Down at the bottom of the steps, meanwhile, was an employee of the Depository who saw Officer Baker addressing (and
appearing to challenge) the man who was one of the several people standing around just outside the door. The employee at the bottom of the steps was Mr Billy Lovelady, the man who was one of the several people standing around just outside the door was Mr Lee Harvey Oswald.
Several minutes after the assassination, Mr Lovelady told Mr James Jarman what he had seen.