The odd coda to Mr Ronald B. Fischer's 11/22/63 affidavit statement:
I do remember one particular thing that happened just at the time I saw a man up there. There was a girl walked in the Texas School Book Depository Building, a rather tall girl, and looked to me like she might be an employee of that building. She was walking in while everybody else had been coming out.The time frame here is some 30 seconds before the assassination.
Who might this "rather tall girl" have been? Ms Carolyn Arnold, perhaps, whom a March '64 statement by Mr Bill Shelley places in the doorway at the time of the shooting?

Did she leave the group she was with out by the street and return to the doorway just in time for JFK's passing the building? If so, did she as she reached the doorway notice someone in that doorway (or perhaps behind the glass door) who (later) wasn't meant to be there----------someone she had just minutes before this noticed sitting in the second-floor lunchroom? And was she told by the 'investigating' authorities to shut up about it?
Certainly I am struck by the curious vehemence with which, in her 1978 conversations with Mr Anthony Summers and Mr Earl Golz, she denied having had any cause to even look in the direction of the the doorway after going out near the street................

Think we the lady doth here protest too much? Bear in mind: the FBI report which was being read out to her did not have her looking back at the doorway at the time she would have been "trying to watch the parade", but several minutes before this. She seems needlessly spooked by what she is hearing......
I can't help wondering if she might not be the person waving what Mr Jackson has suggested is a lady's handkerchief:
IF so, then might she have something to do with the
physically impossible shadow that was so crudely added down Mr Lovelady's right side in the Wiegman film?

Elimination of her visible presence on the steps----------------discrediting her in advance in case of the unhappy eventuality that she, a game-destroying witness, goes public at some stage with her story?
Just a thought!