Friends, I find myself wondering again about something I suggested here some time back..................
Mr Kenneth Duvall claimed he was sitting on the third step as JFK passed.
Here is Mr Duvall in Dec '63:

And here (I am confident) is Mr Duvall in the railroad yards several minutes after the shooting:

The green circle highlights a newspaper or order book or somesuch in his shirt breast pocket.
Could this (just down and to the left of the red arrow here) be Mr Duvall,
still sitting on the step, waving his paper at the passing limousine?:

And could this be Mr Duvall's arm (orange) with the paper (light-brown) still waving?

Note: Mr Duvall was in shortsleeves------------

Now! Any images taken of the entranceway around this time by a camera that is
east of Mr Altgens' position will be apt to show Mr Duvall's face. But---------here's the thing---------Mr Duvall bears a
striking resemblance to Mr Lee Harvey Oswald. In such a case, then such film would show the following: next to but lower than the face of Mr Lovelady (=an LHO-resembling man) the face of a man who looks for all the world like young Mr Oswald. The same Mr Oswald who was claiming in custody that he "went outside to watch P. Parade":

One such film that might have shown just such is of course the Wiegman film. And it is in
that film that we just so happen to find a physically impossible shadow down the right side of Mr Lovelady, whose entire front body was, as we know, at that moment bathed in sunlight:

Is Mr Duvall's face somewhere in that physically impossible black area that darkens Mr Lovelady's right side? Did the 'investigating' authorities cover up what they thought was the face of Mr Oswald, when in fact it was the face of Mr Duvall? And did their error-sponsored fixation on Mr Duvall's face blind them to the possibility that Mr Oswald was in fact a certain shaded-into-obscurity figure standing further over by the west wall of the entrance?
Remember! Mr Duvall not being a Depository employee, he would have been someone of whose existence the 'investigating' authorities' were completely unaware.