Since you can not answer simple question on Tina Towner possition in Bell film, I really have no time to help you out in realising you are wrong. What is seen in both Bell and Towner films is waving handkerchief. Please find somebody else to help you out. All the best.
I'm sorry, Mr Jackson, but wishing the problem away doesn't make the problem go away.
Let's try this again, shall we?
Look at Mr Davidson's synced gif again.
Directly behind White Cowboy Suit Man
from Towner's POV is the eastern column of the entranceway. Yes? Good!
Directly behind White Cowboy Suit Man
from Bell's POV is the edge of the wall sign. Yes? Good!
To go from Towner's POV to Bell's POV, one would have to move
significantly to one's left (i.e. west). Yes? Good!
Now! Let us imagine that you are right about the waving object: it is being waved by the woman in black standing just behind the man in light-colored manual clothes.
You are looking through Ms Towner's camera. You keep your eye on the waving object: it is
almost directly over the head of the man in light-colored manual clothes. You start moving left and don't stop until you are west enough to be seeing from Bell's angle. What do you see now?
I'll tell you what you most certainly do not see: the head of the man in light-colored manual clothes
well to the left (as you look) of the handkerchief.
And yet this is what your 'handkerchief' claim would have us believe we are seeing. It's a physical impossibility. And like I say----------the fact that these frames have been so expertly synced by Mr Davidson leaves you no wriggle room here, no option of saying that these are slightly different moments in time and so the handkerchief in Bell has moved further east, etc.