The Darnell frame I posted a couple of pages back in this thread shows PrayerMan with
an upper-garment neck cut that seems incompatible with this being Mr. Oswald. It seems Mr. Kamp posted it originally without quite realizing its significance.
Anyone wishing to argue that we can't read too much into just one frame is right, but only up to a point. For Mr. Hackerott has inspected multiple frames from the first-gen copy in the Sixth Floor Museum and-------long before our 'new' frame first went online-------noticed the same feature/problem.
Those who wish to continue to press the PM=LHO claim need to go beyond the 'It's only one frame' argument. They also need to go beyond the (obvious) point that PrayerMan is not Mrs. Sarah Stanton. We know that, and have done for a very long time. What's new here is that Mr. Oswald now no longer seems a viable candidate either.
PrayerMan's not being Mrs. Stanton does not make PrayerMan Mr. Oswald, especially when this 'new' Darnell frame makes it appear that PrayerMan is in fact a woman!
Whoever PrayerMan is,
the answer is going to be surprising (in a way that PM=LHO wouldn't have been, given that Mr. Oswald was an employee who claimed to have gone outside to watch the P. Parade and who, unlike others, did
not give a location in the doorway other than the Prayer Man location).
Where do the PrayerMan people want to take this? Do they want to argue that the Sixth Floor Museum copy was altered between 2013 and whenever it was made viewable to visitors?
Or do they want to put upper clothing on Mr. Oswald that
would be compatible with what we see in the 'new' Darnell frame? Because a white tshirt or Mr. Oswald's reddish shirt with white tshirt underneath just ain't going to (so to speak) cut it.
I honestly fear those PrayerMan advocates who are pretending the problem posed by this 'new' Darnell frame doesn't exist are making a bad mistake. They are doing what they believe the AltgensDoorwayman advocates did for so long: doubling down dogmatically on only ONE possible solution to the question of Mr. Oswald's doorway location, and thereby missing
a more viable solution to that question. They need to stop acting like the Hosty draft report has Mr. Oswald stating he "went outside to watch the P. Parade and stood over by the west wall of the front entrance".
I was a strong supporter of the PM=LHO claim, but not any more. The
evidence now points away from it.
However! The evidence
continues to support the claim (Mr. Oswald's own) that he went outside to watch the P. Parade.
Furthermore! Those who either pretend, absurdly, that the shadow down Mr. Lovelady in Wiegman is due to a turn in his body or (just as absurdly) due to natural shadow---------------------

-----------------------or concede that they cannot explain this shadow but refuse to accept that this anomaly may be highly significant---------------are in a sad state of denial IMHO................
I ask the PrayerMan advocates two things:
1. Can you explain the shadow down Mr. Lovelady in the Wiegman frame above?
2. If not, then could you please ask yourself a simple question:
If Prayer Man is LHO, then why on earth would anyone have seen a need to put a shadow down Lovelady in Wiegman?Wake up!