Any possibility that this white ring effect in this newer Darnell version of PM is due to the white T-shirt showing thru a brown shirt not fully buttoned at the neck?
I asked the ? Why the conspirators didn’t blacken out PM and answered my own ? by suggesting that at the time the image was so obscured already they didn’t think it was any possible proof of Oswald out front.
Since Mr. Ford as pointed out , the shadow anomaly on Lovelady has not yet been adequately explained (nor replicated via experiment) and so as CTs

we of course suspect purposeful obfuscation of this area for some reason.
I thought we had arrived at the CT reason for the anomalous shadow on Lovelady due to a necessity to hide the right ARM of Lovelady because his sleeves were not rolled up.
This was supposedly to cover for the early quick alteration of the Altgens photo 6 (Cronkite version) trying to make it appear that a raised forearm belonged to Lewis, the black man at the bottom of the steps NW side. The shirt sleeve appears rolled up.
However after this quick alteration, they realized they made a glaring mistake , because Lewis sleeve was NOT rolled up AND there was still the anomaly of a horizontal dark object ( looking much like a bottle )
So the 2nd correction to Altgens photo was to make the raised arm and the dark horizontal slash (bottle) disappear entirely by graphing in texture of Loveladys shirt sleeve so as to make it appear as Loveladys right arm .
But the conspirators made one more error which is that Loveladys arm has no hand at the end of the shirt sleeve AND the shirt sleeve appears to be extend IN FRONT of part of Lewis face which is another anomaly because Lovelady was BEHIND Lewis several desk steps back.