If she's PM, then she stood on the east side of the entranceway when she first came out (ca. 12:20) but moved west (probably to get a better view of the motorcade as it came on to Houston etc)
She would certainly be the most straightforward female candidate! 
I haven't been taking part in this discussion. Instead I have been reading parts of it once in a while, but now I have a question.
Perhaps this has already been discussed earlier (if so, I apologize bringing it up again), but I have a picture in my files of an empty bottle of some soft drink standing on the ledge next to the stairs with police officers standing around it. I could of course be mistaken, but the image refered to as Prayer man seems to holding an object with two hands that could be a bottle.
I don't think a woman, back in those days, would be drinking from a bottle but a warehouse worker might. Is there anything known about this bottle and how it possibly relates to Prayer man?