'But!' I hear you cry, 'Altgens Altgens Altgens!!! It refutes your claim because it shows Jones not Lewis!!!!!!'
Indeed it does, at least in its 'canonical' reiterations.
Ah yes, Altgens Altgens Altgens. That's where the real fun and games begin...................

Here's what happened. The authorities, in their desperation to keep a lid on Mr. Oswald's presence on the steps, made
the mother of all goof-ups.
-They studied any front doorway images they had managed to get their hands on
-They saw Mr. Oswald in Wiegman:
We'll have to black him out-They saw Mr. Oswald's right arm/coke in Altgens:
We'll have to deal with that-They looked again at Wiegman:
Hey, see that black guy standing at the bottom of the steps? He might be useful here. Who is he?-They scoured some aftermath photos, and found-------
or thought they had found---------this black man:
Let's take this profile of his face and paste it into Altgens to help hide the Oswald bitse.g.

-A profile pic was the best they could throw at the thing. It wasn't perfect, as it had the man looking the wrong way, but needs must..........
-However, what they didn't know was that, in looking at the black-and-white Wiegman frames, they had
misidentified Mr. Roy Edward Lewis as Mr. Carl Edward Jones!
-They did some retouching to Mr. Jones's face to blend it in, and retouched Mr. Oswald's lower arm/hand to make it look like Mr. Lovelady's left arm:

A bit of further retouching, and hey presto----------the 'canonical' post-Cronkite Altgens photo was born. The result was a hot mess, but it did the job.
Mr. Jones in 'canonical' Altgens does not refute the evidence for Mr. Roy Edward Lewis being at the bottom of the steps; the evidence for Mr. Roy Edward Lewis being at the bottom of the steps proves that Altgens was doctoredFascinating exchange from 24:28 here. The lady questioner is quite right to point out the problem, but she hasn't worked out that
the wrong man's face was used!
Mr. Lewis knew and knows exactly where he was standing at the time of the assassination. When he first saw Canonical Altgens, he must have been pretty perplexed!