No he wasn't.
Oswald: I work in that building
Reporter: Were you in the building at the time
Oswald: Naturally, if I work in that building, yes sir
What else was he going to say?
It doesn't get anymore vague than this, yet to Richard it's an admission that he was in the building during the shooting. Hilarious!
To more reasonable people it's obvious that Oswald simply confirmed that he worked at the TSBD and that he was there when the shooting took place.
Mr. Oswald considered the enclosed entranceway to be part of the building (which it of course was)-------------hence he was in the building (though not
inside) at the time of the shooting.
We know from Agent Hosty's 11/22 draft interrogation report that Mr. Oswald said he went "
outside to watch P. Parade."
In the building YET
outside= contradiction in terms, surely? Yes----------------for everywhere EXCEPT the
front entrancewaySo-------------------Mr. Smith can bring out this old chestnut as many times as he likes, it still won't get him anywhere. Perhaps he might more profitably turn his attention instead to the problem of explaining how Reddish-Shirted Man in Hughes can possibly be Mr. Lovelady? If he actually gets anywhere (miracles do happen), then I'll be so astonished by his feat I might just be inspired to notify his favorite newspaper, the New York Times. Now
that would be a story!
'Do you remember where you were when you heard that Mr. Richard Smith had made a meaningful contribution to the JFK assassination debate?'