Friends, Mr. Organ's own lines in these images establish the (to him!) disastrous reality:

But he has been a very naughty fellow, because he has used a Bell frame that does NOT show Mr. Lovelady's white tshirt.
Let's look at what he doesn't want us to look at, now that his silly 'foliage' idea turned out to be DOA:

And let us note the raised forearm of Ms. Maddie Reese:

And now let us look at Mr. Organ's lines again, noting the relationship in height of Mr. Lovelady's tshirt and Ms. Reese's raised arm in Wiegman:

Notice anything?
That's right. The respective elevations of Redshirt Man & Ms. Reese in Bell are an uncanny match for the respective elevations of Mr. Lovelady & Ms. Reese in the Wiegman frame.
You can be sure that Mr. Organ knows this full well, but he's got a job to do here-----------to defend the official story to the death, and beyond. And this is why he's making an utter fool of himself trying to argue that this white-tshirted man in Bell is not Mr. Lovelady but Mr. Roy Lewis:

But you never know, maybe this mysteriously placed oval contains some alternative solution with which Mr. Organ will dazzle us with his brilliant analytical skills..............

We wait with bated breath!