Friends, look again at these four scenes (
WiegmanB), which come in chronological order:

The angles are different, but they are all showing basically the same configuration of key persons on the west side of the doorway.
Hughes shows-----------Mr. Lewis (2nd step up)
-----------Mr. Oswald (4th step up)
-----------Ms. Reese (1st step up)
But Mr. Lovelady (back on the 5th step up, more west than Messrs. Lewis & Oswald) is hidden from view by the girl in blue on the pedestal
Bell shows-----------Mr. Lovelady (5th step up)
-----------Ms. Reese (1st step up)
But Messrs. Lewis & Oswald are hidden from view by the foliage
WiegmanA shows-----------Mr. Lewis (2nd step up)
-----------Mr. Oswald/PrayerMAN (4th step up)
-----------Ms. Reese (1st step up)
-----------Mr. Lovelady (now
5th step up: he's trying to get a better view down Elm)
WiegmanB shows-----------Mr. Lewis (2nd step up)
-----------Mr. Oswald/PrayerMAN (4th step up; right forearm no longer raised to face)
-----------Ms. Reese (1st step up)
-----------Mr. Lovelady (now back down to
4th step up)
Only Mr. Lovelady moves position (up and then back down a step) during the time frame covered by these four clips.Here is Mr. Andrej Stancak's model for the doorway @12:30.
Please disregard the human figures here: Mr. Stancak is representing the Darnell scene---------all I'm interested in for present purposes is
The circles I've added represent how I place the figures in Hughes-Bell-WiegmanA-WiegmanB.
GREEN: Ms. Maddie Reese
BLUE: Mr. Roy Lewis
WHITE: Mr. Lee Oswald/PrayerMAN
YELLOW: PrayerWOMAN (not visible in any of the four clips)
PURPLE: Mr. Lovelady in Bell & WiegmanB
RED: Mr. Lovelady in WiegmanA