Mr. Lovelady's hand to Ms. Reese's right elbow:

And that's just the hand. What we see of Mr. Lovelady's left side comes over-------from Bell's POV-------
as far as Ms. Reese's right elbow:

Obviously this is a very different story to that told here:

But that's not all Bell is telling us:

Watch the
downward & eastward movement of Mr. Lovelady's left hand. Then watch his head. Then watch the straightening up of his torso.
He is not moving his feet over to this new spot, for
they are already there. He has been leaning into his right foot, and craning his neck to follow the limousine. And now he is
returning to his previous upright posture--------------which, again
from Bell's POV, has his left side as far east as Ms. Reese's elbow. If Mr. Bell were filming from a position facing straight ahead into the middle of the doorway, Mr. Lovelady's shoulder would be showing
to the east of Ms. Reese's elbow.