Alternatively, of course, Mr. Lovelady is moving down a step-------------------
If we consider (with reference to the window-gridwork east of the entranceway) the
height of Mr. Lovelady's head as we glimpse it in the first frames here--------------

-------------and if we compare it with the height of his head here in Wiegman------------

------------we can determine that the FORMER option seems the correct one, i.e.
Mr. Lovelady in Bell is two steps down and has been leaning over to his right and craning his neck to look east at the limousine. This has lowered his head but raised his left hand.With apologies to Mr. Hackerott for taking the liberty of decontextualizing & flipping an older image of his, this gives a pretty useful approximation of what we're seeing in the first frames of the Bell gif-------------with the difference that Mr. Lovelady in Bell does not appear to be
leaning forward (just sideways):

The latter frames in the Bell gif show Mr. Lovelady standing up straight again-------------
hence the descent of his left hand.
And that original standing position puts only one obstacle between Mr. Lovelady's torso and Mr. Bell's camera lens: foliage.Good luck getting Redshirt Man in Hughes/Towner from


----------in way, way, way less than lickety-spit. It's a hopeless cause, folks-----------for the simple reason that Mr. Lovelady is not Redshirt Man in Hughes/Towner!