Your comparison picture is a different scale than that of the still from Hackerott's 3D.
Mr. Organ's embarrassing self-own does of course correctly identify the problem with the 3D reconstruction. The scale isn't quite right (with things in Bell being bigger than in the 3D version)---------------

--------------because an honest but erroneous assumption has been made that this (pink box) is the right edge of the west column base:

This has let to a certain squeezing in of the doorway in order to fit that assumption, with some of the resulting obvious distortions I have been pointing out.
Now! How wide west does the actual doorway in Bell go? Well, the below is I think--------with all due caution respecting angles-------quite suggestive (marks in
orange are mine!):

Quite by happy chance, this suggests a location for the west edge of the west column (NOT column base) just where we see two
unmoving [i.e. non-foliage] white spots in Bell:

This of course would explain how Mr. Lovelady's left side can be appearing to Bell's POV just as far west as Ms. Reese's raised right elbow:

Mr. Lovelady is a lot further east than the 3D graphic has him.
This in turn explains why Mr. Lovelady is blocked by Ms. Toni Glover in Hughes: