Friends, the proven fact of Mr. Oswald's front steps alibi allows us to make sense of DPD's especially hostile treatment of Mr. Buell Wesley Frazier.
1. Mr. Oswald really does go outside to watch the P. Parade: we see him in the Hughes film
2. Mr. Oswald is arrested and, in his first interrogation, tells Captain Fritz his 12:30pm whereabouts---------->PANIC!
3. Mr. Oswald is able to name three male co-workers who were also on the west side of the entranceway and who will be able to vouch for him:
a) Mr. Bill Shelley (whom Mr. Oswald has just seen in the Homicide Office)
b) Mr. Billy Lovelady (ditto)
c) Mr. Buell Wesley Frazier
4. Mr. Shelley's affidavit contains a sly workaround to the fact that he can confirm to DPD that Mr. Oswald was in the doorway:

Notice what's missing? That's right:
I did not see him at the time of the shooting5. Mr. Lovelady's affidavit makes no mention of Mr. Oswald, but his 11/22 FBI interview reports contains a sly workaround to the fact that he can confirm that Mr. Oswald was in the doorway:

Notice what's missing? That's right:
I did not see him at the time of the shooting6. Two of the three men named by Mr. Oswald are, therefore, controllable by the 'investigating' authorities. There will of course be more work to do on this pair, but the problem they pose can be contained. By contrast, the third man---------Mr. Frazier----------it still at large. This is extremely concerning: he, perhaps more than any other person, represents
a grave threat to the case against the suspect. He MUST be brought in and subjected to intense pressure to keep his mouth shut about the all-important fact of Mr. Oswald's alibi.
7. This explains the otherwise curious fact that the man who happened to give the suspect a ride to work that morning (something he has done plenty times before) becomes far more of a person of interest than anyone else, even than the man who gave him the job at the building or the people from whose home the suspect is alleged to have picked up the rifle. Mr. Frazier is hunted down, arrested and kept in custody until after midnight. The reason Captain Fritz gives him the heavy treatment in interrogation is not that he believes him to be the accused's accomplice------------no, it's that he knows he can, unless intimidated into silence, destroy the case against the accused.
8. Only one other Depository man will get anything close to the kind of heat Mr. Frazier gets: Mr. Joe Molina. And guess where
he was standing at the time of the motorcade....................