What now for Warren Gullibility, that bizarre cult of propagandists and midwits?
Their central article of faith----------that Mr. Oswald shot Pres. Kennedy----------has just been exploded. Every time henceforth that they post anything that proceeds from the assumption that Mr. Oswald was up on the sixth floor firing those shots, they will just be advertising their own stupidity, delusion and/or dishonesty. Their every saying will be haunted by the ghost of this man, whose murder by Mr. Jack Ruby they have openly celebrated and whose agonies in the electric chair they have fantasized about:

My friendly advice to these sad kooks (once the reality of what has just happened has sunk in with the wider research community and beyond, as sink in it certainly will) would be to emulate DPD in the first hours after Mr. Oswald's arrest: go all in on the Tippit case. Meanwhile, the Warren Critics can continue to inquire into the still unanswered question of who killed JFK (a President many of you hate).
Either that or go reflect a while on the idiocy of this dogmatic slumber you have been in all these years-------------and then go find a more productive and less pathetic hobby.
It is, in short, over, Warren Gullibles------------------let it go.