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Author Topic: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )  (Read 330436 times)

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2272 on: March 14, 2023, 12:00:41 PM »

When Mr. Buell Wesley Frazier was arrested at the hospital, his car had already been thoroughly searched. The cops also went over his home with a fine tooth comb.

What were the cops looking for precisely? I mean, they already had the murder weapon, right?

Well, put the case that they already knew (perhaps via Messrs. Lovelady & Shelley) about Mr. Oswald's little front steps caper with flag & camera. And that they had searched Mr. Oswald's Beckley room and found a camera with no roll of film in it. Where did it go, they wonder? Did he give it-------the item that contains his alibi for the shooting-------to someone for safekeeping? But who might that someone have been?

Mr. Oswald had but one friend in the Depository: Mr. Buell Wesley Frazier

« Last Edit: March 14, 2023, 01:31:50 PM by Alan Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2272 on: March 14, 2023, 12:00:41 PM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2273 on: March 15, 2023, 02:32:27 AM »
Friends, the insights we now have into these three film clips completely sink the core findings of the Warren Commission-------------------

[Credit for posting of source GIF: Mr. Jerry Organ]

To give a sense of just what a house of sand Warren Gullibility was built on----------before it sank once and for all with the proof furnished over the past couple of weeks of Mr. Oswald's front steps alibi----------, let us take the first few of Mr. Vincent Bugliosi's much-vaunted '51 Pieces of Evidence' against Mr. Oswald, from the close of his propaganda book Reclaiming History, and bring them up to date. I won't even bother correcting every questionable factual claim made here by Mr. Bugliosi (or whichever hired goon may have written these words). What matters for present purposes is the tendentious jumping to incriminating non sequiturs that has seen the Warren Gullibles get the case so horribly wrong:


1. Whenever Oswald had Wesley Frazier drive him out to visit his wife and daughters at the Paine residence in Irving, he’d go on a Friday evening and return to Dallas on Monday morning. The assassination was on Friday, November 22, 1963. For the very first time, Oswald went to Irving with Frazier on Thursday evening, November 21, obviously to pick up his Mannlicher-Carcano rifle items needed for his political stunt for the following day.

2. Oswald told Wesley Frazier he was going to Irving to pick up some curtain rods for his apartment in Dallas. But Oswald’s landlady testified that the windows in Oswald’s room on North Beckley already had curtain rods and that Oswald never discussed getting curtain rods with her. Indeed, Allen Grant, a photographer for Life magazine, took a photo of Oswald’s room on the afternoon of the assassination, and it clearly shows the curtain rods that were alreaady in his room.

Additionally, Ruth Paine had two flat, lightweight curtain rods in her garage, and they were still there after Oswald’s arrest (although this crucial fact is, strangely enough, not recorded in a single official report, despite extensive searching of the Paine garage, and only comes to light in Ruth Paine's testimony months later). Oswald never asked Ruth Paine about curtain rods at any time. When Marina was asked in her Warren Commission testimony, “On the evening of the 21st, was anything said about curtain rods or his taking curtain rods to town the following day?” she answered, “No, I didn’t have any.” Question: “He didn’t say anything like that?” “No.” This makes sense, as Oswald naturally did not wish to communicate his intentions to his wife or to Ruth Paine. And no curtain rods were found in the Book Depository Building after the assassination, other than the two curtain rods which were found there and which were tested for his prints.

If Oswald, as he claimed, brought curtain rods to work, whatever happened to them (other than their being found in the building and tested for his prints)? We know from witnesses (on the bus, the cabdriver, and Earlene Roberts) that he wasn’t carrying any long package after he left the Book Depository Building. And, as indicated, no curtain rods other than the two tested for his prints were found in the building after the assassination. As with the supposed killer behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll whom no one saw run away, and the bullet that exited Kennedy’s throat without going on to hit Connally or anything else in the presidential limousine, did the curtain rods simply vanish into thin air remain undetected somewhere in the building until they were found and then tested for Mr. Oswald's prints? One would think that things like this would at least give the Oswald defenders and conspiracy theorists pause, but instead, their eyes blazing with certainty, they tell you correctly that you just don’t understand.

In addition to the evidence showing that Oswald’s curtain rod story was a fabrication true but incomplete, the story, all by itself, is inherently implausible. If Oswald did want to pick up curtain rods at Ruth Paine’s home for his apartment, why would that require him to go there on a Thursday evening? Could he only pick them up if he went there on a Thursday evening, not a Friday evening? We now have a convincing answer to these questions: the flag-waving protest stunt had to happen on the Friday, the day of President Kennedy's visit.

3. When Oswald told Wesley Frazier why he was coming to Irving on a Thursday night—to pick up curtain rods—Frazier said to Oswald, “Oh, very well,” then added, “Well, will you be going home with me tomorrow also?” and Oswald replied, “No.” He did this because he knew he would be leaving town after the events of Friday.

4. Oswald and his wife, Marina, shared an abiding interest in President Kennedy and his family and spoke of them often. Yet on Thursday evening, the night before the assassination, when Marina brought up in conversation with Oswald the president’s scheduled visit to Dallas the next day, she said, “He just ignored a little bit, you know, to talk about [it]…maybe changed subject about talking about…newborn baby or something like that…It was quite unusual that he did not want to talk about President Kennedy being in Dallas that particular evening. That was quite peculiar.” But we can now explain it: Oswald was preoccupied with what he was going to do the following day on the front steps of the building, and with its consequences. Accordingly, he was playing down, in front of his wife, the significance to him of President Kennedy's visit.

5. Friday morning, before leaving Ruth Paine’s house in Irving, Oswald left behind his wedding ring and $170, believed to be virtually all of his money, for Marina, demonstrating that he realized he might never see her again—that is, he might not survive the assassination would in all likelihood not be seeing her or the kids after the maneuver he was contemplating had signed up for. Moreover, as he left Marina that morning, Oswald told her to use the money to buy shoes for their new baby, Rachel, and “anything” else that she felt was necessary for the children. Marina thought this to be strange since Oswald had always been “most frugal” and hardly allowed her to spend any money at all. Again, this tallies with the theory that he expected to leave Dallas the following day. It is of course conceivable that his pleading with Marina the evening before to save their marriage had been sincere, but her refusal had decided him one hundred percent to go through with the next day's political stunt, the consequences of which he knew would be life-changing for him and his family.

6. Before Oswald got into Frazier’s car that Friday morning, the day of the assassination, he placed an approximately long 27.5-inch, bulky package on the rear seat, telling Frazier it contained the curtain rods. Which it did.


Etc. etc. And Mr. Bugliosi hasn't even got to the time of the P. Parade yet...............!

« Last Edit: March 15, 2023, 02:38:13 AM by Alan Ford »

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2274 on: March 15, 2023, 05:01:21 AM »
Now how in the world did everyone in Dealey Plaza including the SS agents, miss seeing a guy on the front steps of TSBD waving a Cuban Flag?

The SS noticed the DC man with his hand raised and they saw the Umbrella man, but they missed the Cuban Flag man right on the front steps of TSBD?

Now since Oswald might have been paranoid enough to think that displaying a Cuban Flag in the midst of Texans and the POTUS might be a dangerous act , then I guess it’s a possible reason to leave money and wedding ring for Marina.

Possible, but probable,  due to lack of evidence of Oswald ever having had a Cuban flag, or displaying such flag in the Hughes film or anywhere else.

Oswald did not display a Cuban flag in New Orleans when he was handing out those “Hands off Cuba” leaflets in the midst of Anti Castro Cubans and getting himself in a fight with one of them.

No Cuban flag in the Back Yard photo either.

In fact, since the Anti Castro Cubans displayed the same flag, then Oswald probably never would have displayed a Cuban Flag if his intent was to demonstrate himself being a PRO Castro /Marxist .

Now maybe Mr.Ford can find a RED Communist /Marxist flag being waved , somewhere in a Hughes film gif.

And then THAT might actually be a much more probable reason why Oswald could have speculated  that waving Such flag in the midst of Texans , might very well be Oswald’s last day on earth, thus he left ring and money to Marina. 🙈

Or it maybe there was no plan to wave flags , there was no attempt to shoot at JFK, and Oswald left money and his ring as a natural last act of respecting his wife’s decision, and to look for his children. 🧐

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2274 on: March 15, 2023, 05:01:21 AM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2275 on: March 15, 2023, 10:51:55 AM »
Now how in the world did everyone in Dealey Plaza including the SS agents, miss seeing a guy on the front steps of TSBD waving a Cuban Flag?

The SS noticed the DC man with his hand raised and they saw the Umbrella man, but they missed the Cuban Flag man right on the front steps of TSBD?

Now since Oswald might have been paranoid enough to think that displaying a Cuban Flag in the midst of Texans and the POTUS might be a dangerous act , then I guess it’s a possible reason to leave money and wedding ring for Marina.

Possible, but probable,  due to lack of evidence of Oswald ever having had a Cuban flag, or displaying such flag in the Hughes film or anywhere else.

Oswald did not display a Cuban flag in New Orleans when he was handing out those “Hands off Cuba” leaflets in the midst of Anti Castro Cubans and getting himself in a fight with one of them.

No Cuban flag in the Back Yard photo either.

In fact, since the Anti Castro Cubans displayed the same flag, then Oswald probably never would have displayed a Cuban Flag if his intent was to demonstrate himself being a PRO Castro /Marxist .

Now maybe Mr.Ford can find a RED Communist /Marxist flag being waved , somewhere in a Hughes film gif.

And then THAT might actually be a much more probable reason why Oswald could have speculated  that waving Such flag in the midst of Texans , might very well be Oswald’s last day on earth, thus he left ring and money to Marina. 🙈

Or it maybe there was no plan to wave flags , there was no attempt to shoot at JFK, and Oswald left money and his ring as a natural last act of respecting his wife’s decision, and to look for his children. 🧐

Mr. Mason, we agree that Towner shows something sizeable being waved in that doorway, yes? I say it's a flag; what do you think it is? If you think I've got this wrong, please suggest something you think might be right.

No less to the point, who do you think could possibly be waving it, if not the man in the reddish shirt standing just behind the black man at the white west column?

You point out that Mr. Oswald is not waving any flag in Hughes, and you're right. But what does that prove? That the waving object in Towner a couple of seconds later doesn't exist? Hardly. It just shows that the waving hasn't begun yet because Pres. Kennedy is not yet passing the building. Mr. Oswald has a very small window in which to make his provocative gesture. The flag in Hughes is hidden down behind the black man in front of him.

If Mr. Oswald is waving a flag at Pres. Kennedy, what is likely to be on that flag? The Stars and Stripes? "Go Home Yankee"? "Kiss Me Quick, Jack!"? Nope-----a leftist political message. I think we can agree on that.

You suggest a red flag. A reasonable suggestion, all things being equal. But all things are not equal: Bell shows the colors blue and white in front of Mr. Lovelady, whose full body only comes into view when he has shifted to his left.

So----------a provocative leftist symbol containing elements of blue and white, and (to judge from the horribly washed-out Towner) red. Is there any leftist symbol we know of containing those colors? Yes: a Cuban flag held by a Castro sympathizer.

It's true that there is no Cuban flag in the New Orleans images, or in the backyard photo. So what? His reddish shirt isn't in those images either. Does that mean he didn't own a reddish shirt?

You're quite right that the Cuban flag carried an ambiguous political message: pro-Castro revolution, anti-Castro revolution. The meaning of the flag depends on context. And what is the context here? Mr. Oswald. A man with a loud and media-amplified track record (whether authentic or feigned) of leftist politics and pro-Castro sentiments. The perfect man to use to explain to the world the meaning of the shockingly provocative political stunt that was carried out on the sixth floor. LHO waving a Cuban flag just before shots are fired: this was a pro-Castro demonstration.

Mr. Oswald's goal wasn't to be jumped on in Dealey Plaza. The ambiguity of the Cuban flag made it possible to wave it in Texas without running the risk of personal injury. The intended effect was for afterwards: That guy who was waving the Cuban flag lived in the Soviet Union and supported Castro! By the time of this realization, Mr. Oswald is already out of Dallas.

I would be surprised if no SS agent noticed the flag. And I would be surprised if any SS agent who did notice it would afterwards publicly destroy the cover-up of what was, after all, Mr. Oswald's alibi for the shooting. Of course, had a more hawkish political decision been made back in Washington-----------to blame the assassination on Castro-----------then the world would have heard all about Red Oswald in the doorway waving a Cuban flag.

As for ordinary folks in Dealey Plaza noticing or not noticing the flag, I have no doubt that Messrs. Lovelady, Shelley and Frazier noticed it, nor that they were intimidated into keeping quiet about it afterwards. (After all, they kept quiet about what we now know to be Mr. Oswald's very presence on the steps.) Ms. Pauline Sanders too (PrayerWOMAN) surely spotted it (perhaps this is the reason why she gives the misleading impression in her FBI statement that she was on the east side of the doorway?). I have also suggested that the man in black by the west white column knew what the white man just behind him had done; and I have suggested who that black man might really be.

Other than those doorway folks, however, it's not at all hard to believe that no other civilians noticed it. How many people, other than SS agents, noticed Umbrella Man or the dark-complected man with the raised hand? Pretty much everyone in Dealey Plaza except the SS agents and motorcade occupants was staring at Pres. & Mrs. Kennedy.

Is it possible that Mr. Oswald was given a flag with a solid rod already attached to it, such that there was no need for him to pick anything (flag + curtain rods) up in Irving? Sure. Maybe he went home in the hope that his wife would, by agreeing to end their separation, unkowingly convince him not to go through with the morrow's stunt. Maybe the curtain rods were a pretext for Mr. Frazier's benefit (Mr. Oswald not wanting to tell him the real, highly personal reason). But a lot hangs here on his alleged denial in custody of having brought those curtain rods to work that morning. If he really did deny that, then we must ask: why would he deny it? I have offered a plausible explanation: the curtain rods were connected to his flag-waving stunt, which he now did not wish to admit to.

Mr. Lovelady AND Mr. Oswald on the west side of the doorway means we now have Mr. Oswald's alibi for the shooting. I believe the waving object we see in Towner gives us a very special bonus: a cogent explanation for his hitherto confusing behavior prior to and after the assassination.

But again, if you still feel I've got this part about the flag wrong, feel free to show me what right might look like. But the sizeable object we see being waved right by the LHO spot in Towner cannot just be wished away.

« Last Edit: March 15, 2023, 11:17:48 AM by Alan Ford »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2276 on: March 16, 2023, 06:04:21 AM »
Mr. Mason, we agree that Towner shows something sizeable being waved in that doorway, yes? I say it's a flag; what do you think it is?

Perhaps completely unrelated......... perhaps completely related!-------------------


This fellow (green arrow) appears to be holding something up (orange arrows). [Note: there is a street works barrier in front of him-----blue arrow.]


He wasn't there during the P. Parade (look at the Bell frames):

Now look at this longer clip from Darnell. As a number of researchers have noted in the past, a certain motorcycle policeman seems to be heading not straight for the front steps but for a point somewhat east of them:

Has something there caught his attention?

« Last Edit: March 16, 2023, 06:39:21 AM by Alan Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2276 on: March 16, 2023, 06:04:21 AM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2277 on: March 16, 2023, 07:14:33 AM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2278 on: March 16, 2023, 12:49:47 PM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2279 on: March 16, 2023, 02:54:07 PM »
We can see that this is the street works barrier:

And that this is the man's leg:

But what in the heck is this thing between the man and the barrier? A briefcase?

And what in the heck are these things that look like the legs of a junior mannequin?

Lustrous insights gratefully received!

« Last Edit: March 16, 2023, 10:24:14 PM by Alan Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2279 on: March 16, 2023, 02:54:07 PM »