At this point in time, I’m only on board with the No. 1 speculative theory of Red shirt man in Hues film gif =Oswald
Oh but it's not speculative, Mr. Mason------------Hughes/Bell/Towner leave no room for the speculation that that man could be Mr. Billy Lovelady. I have proved that both men were standing in the west half of the front doorway at the time of the shooting. Mr. Oswald is therefore no more a candidate for SN shooter than is Mr. Lovelady------------or any other person standing in that doorway.
The observation that the shadow down Mr. Lovelady in Wiegman is not naturalistically possible is an observation of fact, not a speculation.
The observation that something sizeable is being waved right by the LHO spot in Towner is an observation of fact, not a speculation.
The observation that Officer Baker is NOT running for the doorway in Darnell is an observation of fact, not a speculation.
The observation that the object held in the woman's hand in Darnell matches the appearance of CE142 is an observation of fact, not a speculation.
The observation that right in front of her is a sizeable object lying on the ground is an observation of fact, not a speculation.
If you disagree with any of the above, I'd be interested to hear your counter-analysis
of the images.
What all these observed facts do is transform our understanding of what happened that day.
Mr. Oswald was up to mischief. It involved some untoward stunt he was pulling on the front steps, connected surely with what was being done from the sixth floor---------------or at least what he
thought was being done from up there. Whatever was on that flag (Cuban colors? 'Hands off Cuba'?), it 'explained' to DPD what had just happened, and it made Mr. Oswald a suspect in the assassination--------------but
not a suspected sixth-floor shooter.
When Mr. Oswald was brought in, DPD thought they had him for the Tippit murder and as an accomplice in the Dealey Plaza assassination. But then orders come down from on high: pin everything on Oswald and Oswald alone. The political motivation announced by whatever was on Mr. Oswald's flag was too dangerous------------the world must be given to understand that there was no conspiracy, just a crazy guy acting entirely alone.
This meant that the 'investigating' authorities had to bury the true events in and by that front doorway----------Mr. Oswald, flag, long paper sack, Officer Baker, everything.
Thankfully, the visual record has left us enough evidence to put the pieces back together.
Just as the observation that the ( with exception the black male in front lower west steps is more likely Carl Jones than Roy Lewis)
This binary choice is out of date: 'Roy Lewis' seems to be out on the south grass in Bronson. And there is a tall man in white standing over by the east column of the doorway.