Huh? You said Mr. Lovelady is looking over his shoulder, lol
And no, we are certainly not being asked to imagine that "Lovelady's body position is the same as in Altgens 6"!

All of which said! I do see now that 3D Mr. Lovelady's left leg goes down a step:

However, this makes matters worse. If Mr. Lovelady's left foot is already taking him forward/down a step, then having him bend forward deeply like a 95-year-old is fanciful, to say the least. And the idea that he then stays there in that geriatric posture across several frames is downright absurd.....................

Not that even THAT extreme contrivance yields a visually credible reconstruction of what Wiegman is showing.
We need to see a scaled 2-image overlay GIF containing:
a) this Wiegman frame

b) the proposed 3D equivalent

A couple of points to make.
I take it that you do now agree that James' graphic represents Lovelady's movement between W1 and W2?
You just seem to skirt over this issue without accepting or refusing it.
I think you should clarify your position on that.
Huh? You said Mr. Lovelady is looking over his shoulder, lolYou seem to think that I've changed my position on that.
What I've described in the post you were responding to is Lovelady looking out towards Weigman's position
over his left shoulder.I'm saying the same thing but you seem a little confused.
Maybe I wasn't clear enough on this point.
People's heads can turn to the left and to the right without their torso moving it's all in the neck.
If Lovelady's body is turned facing Weigman side-on, as Altgens 6 seems to suggest, when he turns his head to the left he is looking towards Weigman's position
over his left shoulder.
I honestly don't think I can put this in a simpler, more understandable way.
And no, we are certainly not being asked to imagine that "Lovelady's body position is the same as in Altgens 6"!Erm...yes, you are.
I asked it in the post you were responding to.
Lovelady's body is turned to face Altgens around z255.
The W2 frames can only be a few seconds before z255 [I'm just guessing this but it seems right].
So, why wouldn't Lovelady's body position be the same in Altgens 6 and the W2 frames?