Now if Someone can insert a body that represents Oswald’s 5’-9” 135 lb body into the gap between Prayer Woman and Lovelady and about a step or 2 up from the ground level and try to simulate the movement that is described by Mr Ford “as flapping”, that would be most helpful.
By all means explore a scenario, Mr. Mason, but I do wish to be clear as to what my claim is:
Mr. Oswald is the man in the reddish shirt in Hughes. He is standing behind the black man.
He does not move from this position, and is still there in Wiegman (as PrayerMAN), facing forward just like in Hughes, but now with fake shadow covering his person so as to prevent identification.
I am putting him on the fourth step up
throughout the motorcade sequence. Note the brickwork behind the white west column, and its position relative to that fourth step up:

Now look at PrayerMAN in Wiegman, and how close his right elbow is to the back edge of the brickwork. This cannot be PrayerWOMAN back on the landing-----------the distance from elbow to brickwork is just too small.

Pres. Kennedy having passed the building, Mr. Oswald is no longer waving the flag-------------his little stunt is done.