Mr. Oswald is the man in the reddish shirt in Hughes. He is standing behind the black man. He does not move from this position,
Friends, look at this scene in Hughes. Reddish Shirt Man is standing there behind the black man by the white west column. Then there is a dark gap of emptiness, and we see Ms. Madie Reese. The only activity in the doorway is the (apparent) taking of a drink by Reddish Shirt Man. Note the limousine turning onto Elm Street: by the end of the clip, it is
already in front of the Depository: and here is where young Ms. Tina Towner is:


Now look at this scene in Towner. Note the position of the limousine. We are but
instants on from the end of the Hughes clip. Yet just look at the difference in the doorway! Somebody has
suddenly, as if out of nowhere, started waving something:

The way it flaps, it seems to be held on its right (i.e. left as we look; i.e. west) side. Who in the Hughes clip,
if not Reddish Shirt Man, can possibly be waving it?

Now look at this sync-up which Mr. Davidson has made of Bell with
these same moments in Towner:

Note the position of the limousine in Bell.
Now look at these ever-so-slightly-later frames in Bell. They show Mr. Lovelady coming into view. Note the position of the limousine----------
half its own length on from where the previous Towner/Bell clip left it. Just how much time do you think it took the limousine to cover half its own length? We are talking a
very tiny window of time
And here's a closer look at what this ever-so-slightly-later Bell clip shows of Mr. Lovelady:

Do you seriously believe that Mr. Lovelady has just been energetically waving the object in the doorway? And that he has has stopped waving it just as suddenly as he started?
If you don't believe that, then who the heck do you think COULD be responsible for waving the object, if not the individual we have been calling Reddish Shirt Man?