Look at height of raised right elbow:

----------Same person, same spot, same orientation of body (facing south, not turned southeast like PrayerWOMAN)
----------BUT! Different camera angles
----------AND! Every photo-trickery effort made to make it seem that PrayerMAN in Wiegman = PrayerWOMAN in Darnell
Look at the height of Lovelady's elbow in the Hughes film and note, it's the same level as his head.
Now look at PW's and note it is down by the side of her body.
Completely different postures explaining why the elbows can seem an equivalent height.
Also note in the Hughes clip, it appears Lovelady's shirt is almost hanging off his left shoulder.
Now look at the Weigman pic below that and note that this, too. shows his shirt almost hanging off his left shoulder.
Just like this picture does:

Mr. Oswald didn't change location from Hughes through to Wiegman
The Domino Room.