Up to just a few weeks ago, it was assumed that Reddish Shirt Man in Hughes is shielding his eyes.
He's not-----------------he's taking a drink from a bottle:

Let's imagine that there were a way, logistically, of making the Mr. Lovelady who appears in Bell/Wiegman/Altgens be Reddish Shirt Man in Hughes. (There isn't such a way, but let's forget that for a moment).
OK. So we would have two candidates for Reddish Shirt Man in Hughes---------------------------
Candidate A: Mr. Billy Lovelady
Candidate B: A different male, who is wearing a reddish shirt over a white tshirt
Do any of the known images of Mr. Lovelady (in Bell, in Wiegman, in Altgens) support the notion that he is holding a bottle in his
right hand, as Reddish Shirt Man in Hughes is doing?
Not at all.
Do the images of PrayerPerson in Wiegman support the notion that
they are holding a bottle in their
right hand, as Reddish Shirt Man in Hughes is doing?

Is it possible that Mr. Lovelady just left his Coke down in the very few seconds separating the last Hughes frame from the first Bell frame in which he appears? And that somebody came forward to vacate the spot just left by him, and that this somebody just happened to have something in
their right hand which they brought to their mouth? Sure, all of that is.................... possible. But the commonalities between PrayerMAN in Wiegman and Reddish Shirt Man in Hughes (location; orientation of body; holding something in right hand that is brought to the mouth) make the conclusion that Reddish Shirt Man is PrayerMAN in Wiegman the
commonsense conclusion.
But, of course! Reddish Shirt Man is not covered in shadow, whereas PrayerMAN in Wiegman is.
Given, however, the bizarre shadow down Mr. Lovelady's right side in that same film (Wiegman), it is no stretch whatsoever to say that PrayerMAN in Wiegman is the
same person standing in the
same spot as Reddish Shirt Man in Hughes----------------only with a fake shadow added over their person too.
Does anyone whose wits have not been entirely befuddled by Warren Gullibility seriously believe that the 'investigating' authorities would have left alone a clear, facially-identifiable image of Mr. Oswald standing in the doorway?
(Note: It may even be that the reason a fake shadow was added to Mr. Lovelady's right arm was to hide the very fact that
he wasn't holding anything-----------telltale discontinuity with Reddish Shirt Man in Hughes, whom they wanted folks to believe was Mr. Lovelady.)