You cannot--------------in the time it takes for the limousine to travel half its own length---------------
Well! It's even worse than that...............
The synced Towner/Bell clip ends with the frame below. Note where the limousine flag is; note that Reddish Shirt Man has NOT moved from his position behind the black man by the white west column:

I've viewed the Bell footage on
The Lost Tapes, and guess what? It shows that these Bell frames---------------

-----------------do NOT in fact offer the first glimpse of Mr. Lovelady's red shirt. That comes even earlier. Note where the front of the limousine is in these two frames from
The Lost Tapes:

We are talking a
fraction of a second for Reddish Shirt Man to move over to the Lovelady position. Here's the distance the limousine covers in that time:

But it's even worse than THAT. The fraction of a second required for the limousine to travel those few feet is shortened FURTHER when we watch the full, digitally restored Towner doorway sequence from
The Lost Bullet, as posted by the excellent Mr. Robin Unger over at the Education Forum. It goes several frames further on than the synced Towner/Bell clip posted above. And the figure (a.k.a. Reddish Shirt Man) standing behind the black man by the white west column (and partially obscured by the flapping object)
has not budged. He can still be seen in the selfsame position at the end of the sequence:

Not even a super-high-speed westwards kangaroo hop across the fourth step could bring Reddish Shirt Man over to the Lovelady spot in time.
Mr. Lovelady simply cannot be Reddish Shirt Man.