It's kind of hard to tell if this is indeed Shelley, because the face isn't really clear in the photos. The head shape does appear to be the same.
Not too many red-headed men in Dealey Plaza. And not too many folks walking with purpose
away from the scene. I think the probability that this is Mr. Shelley is strong.
If it's him, then we can start with his same-day affidavit:

All true, except he's left out a little southwards excursion he took beyond the hot zone in order to dispose of whatever it is we see him carrying in Hughes.
Like Messrs. Oswald and Lovelady (and, one presumes, Truly), Mr. Shelley has cooperated in facilitating what he has understood to be a White House-approved staged incident (presented to him perhaps as an exercise to test SS response?). In the doorway for the motorcade, he hears the shots and is not perturbed. But when Ms. Gloria Calvery tells him out by the "corner of the park" that Pres. Kennedy was actually hit, he is stunned. With quick thinking (and perhaps after a quick exchange here with Mr. Oswald), he gets walking....... Having dumped whatever it is needs dumping, he returns to the building.
Mr. Lovelady, meanwhile, has had
his horrible 'Calvery revelation' seconds after Mr. Shelley---------and at the front entrance.
The story Messrs. Shelley and Lovelady will tell about going west to the railroad yards will be a little fiction designed to cover the interval during which Mr. Shelley (and, perhaps, Mr. Lovelady elsewhere) was away from the scene.
Mr. Oswald, in custody, will mention Mr. Shelley's presence out front, but will say nothing to blow his or his own cover as participants in a non-lethal false-flag operation.
I believe Messrs Lovelady, Shelley, Truly and Oswald went into 11/22 entirely free of nefarious intent towards the person of, or foreknowledge of the attack on, Pres. Kennedy. It was Mr. Oswald's deep misfortune to be the one served up afterwards as the scapegoat-----for everything.