The issue of Mrs. Stanton's location was resolved many moons ago:
After the assassination, Mr Lovelady found himself having to look again and again at the Altgens photograph (because of erroneous claims that the 'man in the doorway' was Mr Oswald rather than himself). His memory of relative positions at the time of the shooting was thus set in stone by that image. He confidently pointed out to Mr Dom Bonafede a lady shielding her eyes in that photograph, a lady who he said worked on the second floor. His recognition of this lady in the photograph, who is the person he sees standing next to him to his east, explains why he mentions her in his testimony:
Mr. BALL - Who was with you?
Mr. LOVELADY - Bill Shelley and Sarah Stanton, and right behind me
Mr. BALL - What was that last name?
Mr. LOVELADY - Stanton.
Had Mr Ball not (nervously!) interrupted Mr Lovelady here, he would have named the person "right behind" him as Mr Joe Molina, who indeed appears to be 'right behind' him in Altgens.

As for Mr. Shelley, he told FBI he was OUT OF SHOT in the Altgens photograph:

He was: he was standing to Mr. Lovelady's right (i.e. he was just west of Mr. Lovelady).
Thus we have Mr. Lovelady, with Ms. Stanton next to him on one side and Mr. Shelley next to him on the other. Just like he said.
But what he left out was a rather important fact:
Mr. Lee Harvey Oswald was in that doorway too.Just like (as we have known since 2019) he claimed in his first interrogation:

Here he is in Hughes, taking a drink from his Coke bottle:

LHO=AltgensDoorwayMan! folks were nearly right; the
LHO=PM-in-Darnell!! folks were nearly right. Mr. Oswald was in the
very near vicinity.
Since PrayerMan-in-Darnell turned out to be PrayerWoman, the identification of PrayerWoman-in-Darnell has been a trivial pursuit. I think she's Mrs. Pauline Sanders---------------

----------------but it makes no appreciable difference to anything if she happens to be some other lady (other than Mrs. Stanton--------a candidate ruled out ages ago by all but the chronically blind and/or demented) who made her way to that spot in the seconds following the shooting.