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Author Topic: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )  (Read 331276 times)

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2472 on: September 07, 2023, 04:16:20 AM »
It is usually put forward as a discussion-ending defeater of the 'LHO in the Doorway' claim that no one said afterwards they saw LHO in the doorway.

Okey dokey. I have a question.

How many people afterwards said they saw a flag being waved energetically in the doorway? And yet it's plainly there in Towner.

Open your eyes: the collective blindness to the flag is INTIMATELY RELATED to the collective blindness to Mr. Oswald's presence. Because you can't say 'I saw a flag being waved' without risking the follow-up question, 'Who was waving it?' And it's not as though there's gonna be a bunch of people on that side of the doorway for you to pick from.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2023, 01:15:34 PM by Alan Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2472 on: September 07, 2023, 04:16:20 AM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2473 on: September 07, 2023, 04:45:30 AM »
6. Mr. Oswald, like a number of others at the TSBD, played his part----------in his case, right up to and including signaling in the form of flag-waving as Pres. Kennedy was passing.

Which brings us to the famous exchange with the reporter:

REPORTER: Did you shoot the President?
Mr. OSWALD: I work in that building.
REPORTER: Were you in the building at the time?
Mr. OSWALD: Naturally, if I work in that building, yes sir.

This is presented as the other great defeater of the 'LHO in the Doorway' claim. LHO himself denied having gone outside, so it takes a special brand of crazy to claim he actually went outside!

This defeater suffered a disastrous defeat back in 2019 when it was revealed from Agent Hosty's unearthed (by Mr. Bart Kamp) 11/22 draft interrogation report that Mr. Oswald actually told Captain Fritz that he "went outside to watch P. Parade". Team Keep LHO Off Dem Steps has been playing defense ever since.

So why did Mr. Oswald say what he said to the reporter? Why did he not just repeat the claim we know he was making in interrogation: I was outside on the front steps?

Some have argued that he may have somehow misunderstood the question and its terms of reference. Others (like myself) that he reasonably took the enclosed entranceway to be part of the building, such that to be standing on the front steps was to be still technically 'in the building'.

My false-flag theory of Mr. Oswald's true loyal-footsoldier role in the events of 11/22/63, however, offers an alternative way of explaining why he said what he said to the reporter:

Mr. Oswald did not want to state in public that he had gone out front, because he did not want his flag-waving (and what followed it [the paper sack disposal]) to become publicly known. He was doing everything he humanly could to disclaim ANY involvement in the disaster. Not knowing that he was being presented to the world as a LONE NUT GUNMAN, he was trying desperately to keep his cover AND protect himself and others from a CONSPIRACY charge. Last thing he needed was TSBD witnesses coming forward and saying, 'Yeah, he was on the steps. But he did the darndest thing out there........' And so here, pressed by a reporter, he avoids all specificity as to location, even to the point of outright misdirection, in his response. He is deflecting the unwelcome question.

We see Mr. Oswald's having been on the front steps as a mark of his innocence (which of course it is). Innocence of having shot Pres. Kennedy.
For Mr. Oswald, by contrast, his having been on the front steps, and what he did there, was a giveaway as to his having played a role in what he knew was meant to be a false-flag stunt but what had turned into something far more sinister. Guilt of having been involved in the events of Dealey Plaza.

GOING IN, Mr. Oswald was willing to incriminate himself as a member of the 'pro-Castro' provocation team; AFTERWARDS, with that provocation having eventuated in an actual assassination, that voluntary self-incrimination came back to haunt him. Least worst option? Bluff his way with an "I don't know what this is all about" schtick.

He didn't shoot Pres. Kennedy; he wasn't a conspirator in the shooting of Pres. Kennedy; but he was heavily involved in a different---------non-lethal---------JFK-sanctioned----------conspiracy. All the things that had promised to make him the perfect named conspirator in the false-flag stunt (Soviet defection, pro-Castro pronouncements, behavior with the flag in the doorway, etc. etc.) now left him impossibly trapped.

The man who gave the reply to the reporter about his whereabouts at the time of the shooting was a man hopelessly, horribly compromised.

He tells Captain Fritz he simply went outside to watch the P. Parade, mentioning nothing about the flag.
When in public, and asked by a reporter, he avoids making reference to the fact that he was in the doorway.
He doesn't want 'Oswald in the doorway' becoming a public talking-point.

This, I believe, offers a coherent solution to the riddle: Why did LHO say one thing to Fritz and another to the reporter?
« Last Edit: September 07, 2023, 05:04:01 PM by Alan Ford »

Online John Iacoletti

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2474 on: September 07, 2023, 08:13:57 PM »
Lovelady never said that Stanton was standing in the prayerman spot.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2474 on: September 07, 2023, 08:13:57 PM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2475 on: September 08, 2023, 07:06:08 PM »
6. Mr. Oswald, like a number of others at the TSBD, played his part----------in his case, right up to and including signaling in the form of flag-waving as Pres. Kennedy was passing.
7. However, as soon as he learned to his horror that Pres. Kennedy was actually hit, he knew he was in deepest trouble. The false-flag operation had turned into an actual assassination of the very man who had greenlit the false-flag operation.

Put yourselves in Mr. Oswald's shoes here in these seconds. He is wondering how the hell this could have happened. Did somebody coincidentally happen to choose to shoot Pres. Kennedy at the same location (Elm St) that was chosen for the White House-sanctioned false-flag stunt? Or did somebody on the sixth floor false-flag team go rogue and actually fire on Pres. Kennedy? Or was Mr. Oswald tricked into involvement from the start? Or did the plan for the false-flag operation leak and get hijacked by anti-JFK conspirators at a later point? And where did the shot(s) that hit Pres. Kennedy even come from?

Mr. Oswald is completely in the dark.

"Mrs. MOONEYHAM estimated that it was about 4 to 5 minutes following the shots fired by the assassin that she looked up towards the sixth floor of the TSBD and observed the figure of a man standing in a sixth floor window behind some cardboard boxes. This man appeared to Mrs. MOONEYHAM to be looking out of the window, however, the man was not close up to the window but was standing slightly back from it, so that Mrs. MOONEYHAM could not make out his features. She stated that she could give no description of this individual except to say that she is sure it was a man she observed, because the figure had on trousers. She could not recall the color of the trousers."

Did Mr. Oswald go up to the sixth floor and straight to the SN in order to try and ascertain what the hell had happened?
« Last Edit: September 08, 2023, 08:11:06 PM by Alan Ford »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2476 on: September 08, 2023, 11:18:02 PM »
1. A rifle found on the sixth floor was traced, via the name 'Alex Hidell' and via fingerprint evidence, to Lee Harvey Oswald, known Castro sympathizer

2. The fingerprints of Lee Harvey Oswald, known Castro sympathizer, were found on a box in the Sniper's Nest

3. The fingerprints of Lee Harvey Oswald, known Castro sympathizer, were found on the paper sack

4. After the assassination, known Castro sympathizer Lee Harvey Oswald acted like a guilty man on the run

5. On the morning of the assassination, known Castro sympathizer Lee Harvey Oswald left his wedding ring behind by his sleeping wife's bed

6. Photos showing known Castro sympathizer Lee Harvey Oswald posing with rifle and pistol and leftist newspapers emerged after the assassination

These are just six examples of Warren Gullible articles of faith, recited ad nauseam as damning evidence of Mr. Oswald's guilt as assassin.

Let's, for the sake of argument and thought experiment, admit all six claims without quibble. Let's say to the Warren Gullibles, 'Okay, you win, all these things are true'.

Where would that leave us?

With evidence that is compatible with the theory that Mr. Oswald was indeed the sixth-floor shooter? Sure.

But also: with evidence that is as least as compatible with the false-flag theory I have proposed.

And after that? Things only get worse and worse and worse for the Warren Gullibles......................
« Last Edit: September 08, 2023, 11:39:35 PM by Alan Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2476 on: September 08, 2023, 11:18:02 PM »

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2477 on: September 09, 2023, 12:22:16 AM »
Mr. Fords theoretically is staring to kind of mesh with Doyle’s version of Armstrongs double Oswald theory.

Was The CIA using the double (Harvey) Oswald as sniper on the 6th floor unbeknownst to their  other asset Lee Oswald out on the steps with his eye catching  banner flag symbol (causing JFK to turn his head so sharply in Towner film) ?

All you have to see is the collage of all the photos of Oswald together and there’s one photo which will stand out as obviously NOT Oswald because the eye nose mouth geometry is clearly different and the nose itself is way too wide to be Oswald’s.

This same odd version of Oswald is coincidentally also the very one which is  the Oswald seen ( in white T shirt) in the company of other USMC “recruits” whom  may be Alpha 66 members.

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2478 on: September 09, 2023, 07:37:29 AM »
Mr. Fords theoretically is staring to kind of mesh with Doyle’s version of Armstrongs double Oswald theory.


No, it isn't!

My money is on this guy as the man who was firing from the SN window, who was encountered by Officer Baker by the rear stairs, and who shot Officer Tippit and then disappeared down the alley off Patton:

Does he resemble Mr. Oswald enough to have left some witnesses confused afterwards? Sure. But that's a world away from the Harvey & Lee stuff.

A plan that includes Mr. Oswald in the doorway waving a flag at the passing Pres. Kennedy is NOT a plan that will simultaneously have Mr. Oswald being impersonated at the SN window. All that is needed is to establish the INVOLVEMENT of the Soviet defector and Castro-supporting Mr. Oswald in the missed-shots provocation. No one would ever know the names of his 'pro-Castro' confederates on the sixth floor. Mr. Oswald had agreed in advance to carry the blame---------as the sole named participant-----------for the missed-shots incident. Once the assassination happened, this left him uniquely vulnerable. Instead of being flown out of Dallas, he ended up being arrested. In interrogation, he could do little more than stonewall with sometimes ridiculous answers ('Yeah, I brought a pistol to the cinema, because I just felt like it'), hoping the while for rescue from those he had served so loyally.

The middle-aged dark-complected man in the bright plaid shirt seen at the SN window by Mr. Arnold Rowland was there for one reason: to be seen and remembered as a guy hanging out at the window while looking Cuban. Had the false-flag operation gone as planned, the press would have run with lurid reports of him, and others, seen on the sixth floor before the motorcade reached Dealey Plaza---------------the pro-Castro team that Castro-loving Marxist Oswald had smuggled onto the sixth floor. And Mr. Oswald's flag-waving from the doorway would have been presented as a taunting gesture to Pres. Kennedy.

This was all about generating a pretext for C-Day (12/1/63). Public outrage. A shocking provocation justifying a robust response.

When the planned false-flag stunt was trumped by an actual assassination, however, all this stuff had to be shut down. Mr. Oswald had to be taken out of the doorway. And a witness like Mr. Rowland had to be discredited by any means necessary.

Mr. Oswald, in short, did not need to be incriminated behind his back by any impersonator. He incriminated himself willingly as a confederate in the ostensible pro-Castro provocation-----------that was an essential component of the false-flag deal.

He may even have been the man who hitched a lift from Mr. Ralph Yates a couple of days before the shooting. Given that the TSBD was facilitating the false-flag operation, all post-11/22 assurances from them that Mr. Oswald was at work at that time are less than solid. If they were working with him to facilitate the false-flag incident, he would have been given all latitude to quietly come and go as he needed. Had the false-flag incident gone as planned (i.e. non-lethally), Mr. Truly might well have been telling reporters about Mr. Oswald's having come to work late that Wednesday morning. 'I was surprised, but didn't give it too much thought at the time.'
« Last Edit: September 09, 2023, 08:29:49 AM by Alan Ford »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2479 on: September 09, 2023, 05:09:10 PM »
My money is on this guy as the man who was firing from the SN window, who was encountered by Officer Baker by the rear stairs, and who shot Officer Tippit and then disappeared down the alley off Patton:

But why would he have shot Officer Tippit? That death is one of the most intractable mysteries in the case.

Let us explore speculatively.

Let us assume that Tan Jacket Man, just like Mr. Oswald, was a good-faith actor in the planned, White House-sanctioned false-flag operation. A member of the 'external flooring crew'. And let's say he too did his job, i.e. from the SN window he fired and deliberately missed.

Ok. Now let us do with this man what we did with Mr. Oswald in a recent post. Let us put ourselves in his shoes the moment he realizes or learns to his horror that Pres. Kennedy was actually hit. This was NOT part of the plan.

He is left wondering how the hell this could have happened. Did somebody coincidentally happen to choose to shoot Pres. Kennedy at the same location (Elm St) that was chosen for the White House-sanctioned false-flag stunt? Or was Mr. Oswald he tricked into involvement from the start? Or did the plan for the false-flag operation leak and get hijacked by anti-JFK conspirators at a later point? And where did the shot(s) that hit Pres. Kennedy even come from?

Mr. Oswald Tan Jacket Man is completely in the dark.

On his way downstairs he is caught by a police officer. He manages----------with the help of Mr. Truly----------to get out of this situation, but as he exits the building he knows that he has been seen at close quarters by an officer. This was NOT part of the plan either.

A little later, he is (for whatever reason) on Tenth. A police officer in a car pulls him over (for whatever reason). Tan Jacket Man, imagining that a detailed description of him and his clothing will have gone out on police radio, based on the officer encounter by the rear stairs in the Depository, assumes the worst and panics. He shoots the officer. Then he flees the scene, turning on to Patton and then running down the alley off Patton.

Unlike Mr. Oswald, he will never be apprehended.

The Tippit killing is pinned on Mr. Oswald, to whom he bears enough of a resemblance to confuse witnesses afterwards.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2023, 05:14:50 PM by Alan Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2479 on: September 09, 2023, 05:09:10 PM »