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Author Topic: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )  (Read 330283 times)

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2488 on: September 14, 2023, 10:11:14 PM »
Thus is resolved the hitherto baffling paradox of post-JFK-assassination Mr. Robert Kennedy:
1. A man who plays a key role in the cover-up of his brother's murder
2. A man who passionately wants to get to the bottom of his brother's murder.

Grief, guilt------------------and rage

Mr. David Talbot writes:

'Journalist Jack Newfield, a close friend of RFK, told me: “With that amazing computer brain of his, he put it all together on the afternoon of November 22”'

Ask yourself a simple question: How? How on earth was Mr. Robert Kennedy able to work out so quickly that this was not the work of some random crazy, say, or a leftist conspiracy, or a local right-wing Bircher plot? He was many miles away from the event, with only sketchy details coming in, and yet here he was knowing that it was none of these things.

The answer is easy. He had been expecting to hear about an outrageous and shocking but unsuccessful ATTEMPT on his brother's life-----------because he had been central to the planning of just such a false-flag incident. As soon as he got the news that his brother had actually been hit in Dealey Plaza, he was able to draw certain logical conclusions as to who might be ruled in, and who out. No 'amazing computer brain' needed.

Agonizingly, he was not able to go public with these painfully obvious inferences, because he (no less than his now late brother) was deeply implicated in the clandestine arrangements that had opened the door to this horrifying event.

And so he had no choice but to go along------------for now------------with the profoundly unjust scapegoating of one of his own team's loyal footsoldiers, Mr. Lee Harvey Oswald.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2023, 10:18:27 PM by Alan Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2488 on: September 14, 2023, 10:11:14 PM »

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2489 on: September 15, 2023, 06:00:14 AM »
This is getting so complicated
an alternative CT theoretically that I respectfully ( cause I like Mr Fords ability to think outside the circle , box or any other closed figures) , have to suggest perhaps we’ve been misled to abandon PM=Oswald  too quickly merely by the introduction of a newer Darnell version of PM that’s weirdly MORE distorted than the 2013 (the version which looks more like Oswald.)

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2490 on: September 15, 2023, 06:59:15 AM »
This is getting so complicated

On the contrary, the false-flag solution I have offered makes things much simpler, clarifying at a stroke some previously mystifying aspects of the assassination

an alternative CT theoretically that I respectfully ( cause I like Mr Fords ability to think outside the circle , box or any other closed figures) , have to suggest perhaps we’ve been misled to abandon PM=Oswald  too quickly merely by the introduction of a newer Darnell version of PM that’s weirdly MORE distorted than the 2013 (the version which looks more like Oswald.)

PM in Darnell is not Mr. Oswald, who is no longer on the steps by this point. Those who pushed PM=LHO were much, much closer to the truth than those who dismissed the very idea from the get-go. But the continued obsession of some with PM in Darnell is no more productive than was the continued obsessive pushing, well after the claim had been refuted, of Altgens Doorwayman as LHO.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2490 on: September 15, 2023, 06:59:15 AM »

Offline Michael Welch

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2491 on: September 15, 2023, 12:18:21 PM »
On the contrary, the false-flag solution I have offered makes things much simpler, clarifying at a stroke some previously mystifying aspects of the assassination

PM in Darnell is not Mr. Oswald, who is no longer on the steps by this point. Those who pushed PM=LHO were much, much closer to the truth than those who dismissed the very idea from the get-go. But the continued obsession of some with PM in Darnell is no more productive than was the continued obsessive pushing, well after the claim had been refuted, of Altgens Doorwayman as LHO.

Hi Alan and Zeon, Oswald's encounter with Ochus Campbell must have been around two or three minutes after the head shot. So him being on the steps still as Prayer Man is right where he should be. I just found Miss Avery Davis to the left of Sarah Stanton. Vickie Adams knew her from the fourth floor girls. Vickie says that she spoke to her and Joe Molina on the stairs and bingo----- we have Vickie, Avery, Joe, and Sandra Styles all together in Darnell on the stairs. Thank you for everything! Sincerely yours, Michael
Hi Everybody, I will try to identify as many people in this frame as I can going from the top down.

1. On very top---Buell Wesley Frazier
2. Far left--- Lee Harvey Oswald
3. Right of Center---- Joe Molina
4. Lady left of Center--- Maddie Reese
5. Lady on far right with right hand above her head--- Sarah Stanton and to her left Miss Avery Davis
6. Far left under Mr. Oswald--- unknown.
7. Below Maddie Reese is a lady's ankle whose head and body block out Mr. Oswald from the waist down.
8. Right of center immediately--- unknown.
9  Right of center next Sandra Styles and to her right Vicky Adams.
10. Far left there are various unknown people.
11. Left of center under the lady with the ankle is a lady in white--- unknown.
12. Directly under this lady is a lady in black--- Patricia Lawrence.
13. The lady running in the center foreground is Carolyn Arnold.
14. To her right the lady holding the black purse is Jeraldean Reid.
15. The lady to the right of the blonde lady is Bonnie Richey.

Sincerely yours, Michael

« Last Edit: September 15, 2023, 12:52:05 PM by Michael Welch »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2492 on: September 15, 2023, 12:23:39 PM »
Hi Alan and Zeon, Oswald's encounter with Ochus Campbell must have been around two or three minutes after the head shot. So him being on the steps still as Prayer Man is right where he should be. I just found Miss Avery Davis to the left of Sarah Stanton. Vickie Adams knew her from the fourth floor girls. Vickie says that she spoke to her and Joe Molina on the stairs and bingo----- we have Vickie, Avery, Joe, and Sandra Styles all together in Darnell on the stairs.

Sorry, but that's not remotely possible.

And this woman on the landing is not Mr. Oswald:

(Nor------------not that it greatly matters at this stage-------------is she Mrs. Sarah Stanton. She's probably Mrs. Pauline Sanders.)
« Last Edit: September 15, 2023, 12:24:55 PM by Alan Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2492 on: September 15, 2023, 12:23:39 PM »

Offline Michael Welch

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2493 on: September 15, 2023, 12:30:53 PM »
Sorry, but that's not remotely possible.

And this woman on the landing is not Mr. Oswald:

(Nor------------not that it greatly matters at this stage-------------is she Mrs. Sarah Stanton. She's probably Mrs. Pauline Sanders.)

Hi Alan, It is not remotely possible for the ladies to be on both sides of the stairs at once. It is definitely not Pauline Sanders. She is to the left of Frazier! Thank you for your input! Sincerely yours, Michael
« Last Edit: September 15, 2023, 12:35:23 PM by Michael Welch »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2494 on: September 15, 2023, 03:41:39 PM »
Hi Alan, It is not remotely possible for the ladies to be on both sides of the stairs at once. It is definitely not Pauline Sanders. She is to the left of Frazier!

Not this nonsense again ~sigh~

Your 'Sanders'-------------

------------is either a Jack-In-The-Box, or 'her' 'face' is a film artefact, with 'her' 'hairline' a horizontal glitch that appears in only ONE frame:

And note that 'her' 'skin' is too dark compared to the skin of real people in the sunlight. Explanation: it's just the same background we see in all the other frames where 'she' doesn't appear.

PM in Darnell is not Mr. Oswald. I believe she is Mrs. Sanders. But even if she's not, I don't really care who she is. She's no more intrinsically fascinating than any other woman in the doorway at this time. This 'debate' is a sorry distraction.

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2495 on: September 16, 2023, 07:57:54 PM »
Mr. Sandy Larsen really did wonderful work with this gif:

Look at Officer Baker in the first frames, and you'll assume he's heading straight for the doorway. But then the actual doorway comes into view. It's quite a jolt.

He's not heading for the doorway at all. Nor is the running woman just a little north-east of him heading for the doorway. They are both heading straight for this woman and what she is holding up:

Her reaction to the assassination has been to go over to the mailboxes and pick up a paper sack. She must have just seen something that disturbed her enough to make her do this--------------and to draw attention

Just to reinforce the brilliant observation of Mr. Larsen (and Mr. Bob Prudhomme), the man under the pink arrow here is standing in front of the entranceway. Now look at Officer Baker's route in relation to him:

I would give a lot to know who is the lady holding up the long paper sack: Officer Baker is running straight for her................

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2495 on: September 16, 2023, 07:57:54 PM »