...... Mr. Oswald goes over near the mailboxes and lays out the banner on the sidewalk. It bears a pro-Castro legend. Mr. Oswald dumps the sack too and leaves the spot.
A woman who has noticed him do all this is mighty perturbed. She has just heard shots, and seen pandemonium break loose. And now she's seen a guy laying out a banner.
She runs over and
picks up the banner before dropping it again. Then she picks up the paper sack. Then she draws loud attention to her shocking find. Here she is in Darnell, holding up the paper sack and, with her right hand,
pointing at the banner on the ground:

Officer Marion Baker has seen her and is dashing over to her.
He speaks with the lady and looks at the banner. She tells him the man went into this building by the front door. He
throws the banner down, runs into the building and encounters a man in the small storage room that's front of house. He challenges him-----------NOT because he thinks he's the shooter, but because he's chasing up the banner thing.
Mr. Roy Truly, who as building manger of the TSBD has been cooperating with the unofficial false-flag operation, vouches for Mr. Oswald. Officer Baker, believing the shots came from the top of this building, makes a judgement call and cuts the man loose. The banner thing is less of an immediate priority than apprehending the shooter himself.
Mr. Kent Biffle, of the Dallas Morning News, gets wind of this incident (though sans the crucial context) a little later today: