Hi Everybody, And please notice that a lady dressed in black is obscuring Lee from at least the waist down.
Optical illusion caused by shadows & what Mrs. Reese is holding in her right hand:
Pauline and Sarah are on the East side of the steps.
As pointed out before, your 'Pauline' is an optical illusion:

'She's' either a Jack-In-The-Box, or 'her' tiny 'face' is a film artefact, with 'her' 'hairline' a horizontal glitch that appears in only ONE frame:

And note that 'her' 'skin' is too dark compared to the skin of real people in the sunlight. Explanation: this 'face' is just the same background we see in all the other frames where 'she' doesn't appear.
There is absolutely no reason why Mrs. Sanders couldn't have moved across the landing (if she was indeed where she recalled having been) between the shooting and now.