Mr. Greg Doudna writes:
'Is it certain there is a Prayer Man in the Weigman film at all?
Serious question.
I see a spot of light in Prayer Man's position in Weigman, which could correspond to the spot of light at the viewer's right [east] of Prayer Man visible in Darnell, but is that particular spot of light connected to or part of Prayer Man at all, in either photo? Or is that spot of light something from inside the building showing through the glass front separating the front landing from the inside of the doorway, unrelated to the presence of Prayer Man? And there is no Prayer Man in Weigman?
Is it excluded that Prayer Man could have first arrived in the position seen in the Darnell film some seconds after the Z313 head shot? And Darnell is the only film evidence of Prayer Man?'Mr. Doudna is both very right and very wrong.
He's very wrong to suggest that there is no Prayer Man in Wiegman. There clearly is a person there.
He's also wrong to keep warming his hands by the snuffed-out flame of PM-in-Darnell=LHO.
He's very right to
query the assumption that Prayer Man in Wiegman must be the same person as Prayer Man in Darnell. For some time now I myself have been querying this assumption, which I suspect has caused no end of confusion.

PM/Darnell is on the landing; PM/Wiegman is down at least one step.
Their bodies are oriented differently (compare the position of the left elbows).
Now of course, it's perfectly possible for PM/Wiegman to change position by the time of Darnell (~25 secs later), stepping up on to the landing to become PM/Darnell.
But it's far from a given that this is what happened.
And it's no less possible for someone OTHER than PM/Wiegman to change position by the time of Darnell, for instance
moving across the landing to become PM/Darnell.
I believe the latter is just what happened, and that PM/Darnell is dark-haired Mrs. Pauline Sanders. Why, she may even be wearing the selfsame red garment we see in this post-assassination photo:

As for PM/Wiegman, I believe he may be
Mr. Oswald, standing just where we saw him standing seconds before this in Hughes, only now he's had a fake shadow placed over him:

Mr. Bill Shelley, lighting a cigarette------------

------------Mr. Oswald having already left the steps to pull his pro-Castro banner stunt.
In short, I believe that
PM/Wiegman is of infinitely more interest to the case than PM/Darnell