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Author Topic: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )  (Read 330232 times)

Offline Michael Welch

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2592 on: September 29, 2023, 12:49:21 AM »
I'm done playing Whac-A-Mole with your nonsense, Mr. Welch (and it is nonsense, however well-meaning). Im afraid you join demented Mr. Doyle on my ignore list

Hi Alan, I am not going to just let you make up your own facts when researchers have already proven who is who on the steps. Thank you very much! Sincerely yours, Michael

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2592 on: September 29, 2023, 12:49:21 AM »

Offline Michael Welch

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2593 on: September 29, 2023, 01:13:23 PM »
The real bombshell in Darnell, and the real reason we'll never get to see the original, is here:

No way are they going to let us see a pristine image of this long bag.

But the cat bag is out of the bag! It has finally been noticed, and can't be un-noticed  Thumb1:

This bag continues to be seen in The Uncut Jack Martin Film!

Starting at around the 10:40 mark a man in a black suit and hat appears to be holding it in his right hand or it is holding him because it is some sort of film anomaly .

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2594 on: September 29, 2023, 03:24:58 PM »
We now have an explanation for the notorious fact that Mr. Oswald was taken off the FBI's watch list six weeks before Pres. Kennedy's visit to Dallas:

He was needed for the White House-approved false-flag operation planned for 11/22.

A week after being taken off the watch list, he starts working at the Texas School Book Depository.


Conspiracy A (the plan for missed shots to be fired from the TSBD sixth floor as Pres. Kennedy is riding through Dealey Plaza)
Conspiracy B (exploiting Conspiracy A to carry out a real assassination on Pres. Kennedy)

Key to the success of Conspiracy A is that 'pro-Castro' Mr. Oswald become THE named conspirator whose involvement identifies this as a pro-Castro provocation. All for the purpose of creating a compelling pretext for C-Day (1 Dec).

Let's game this out.............

Logically, the original Conspiracy A plan for the post-incident phase will surely look something like the following:

Mr. Oswald gets away from Dealey Plaza and disappears. He is holed up somewhere safe, a guest of his own country whose loyal servant he has been. For the rest of his days, he will be living a new life under the equivalent of a witness protection program. This is what Mr. Oswald has been told will happen, and he has believed it to be a good faith promise (which it probably is).

However.......... The press will be fed a very different story. They will soon be reporting faithfully that Mr. Oswald is understood to have flown to Cuba out of Red Bird Airport, and is now being kept safe by a grateful and impressed Pres. Castro & comrades. All vehement denials from Pres. Castro are met with angry disbelief, not least by Pres. Kennedy himself.

So what happens to this Conspiracy A plan for Mr. Oswald once Conspiracy A is superseded in the most horrific manner imaginable by Conspiracy B?

Mr. Oswald is left hanging. He now represents a disastrous human remainder. The promised govt-facilitated escape from Dallas cannot materialize. And NB: the flight of 'Oswald' from Red Bird must be called off. Under intense pressure of shocking and fast-moving circumstances, it is felt that all the effort that has gone into associating Mr. Oswald with a pro-Castro CONSPIRACY must now go into isolating and depoliticizing him as a gunman acting alone.

After his arrest, Mr. Oswald still hopes for an intervention by those he has served. But they have already reached a merciless but necessary decision: this man may not keep his cover in custody indefinitely; nor can he stand trial, where a defense team will bring out dangerous facts; he's got to go.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2023, 04:10:58 PM by Alan Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2594 on: September 29, 2023, 03:24:58 PM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2595 on: September 29, 2023, 04:01:04 PM »
So what happens to this Conspiracy A plan for Mr. Oswald once Conspiracy A is superseded in the most horrific manner imaginable by Conspiracy B?

Mr. Oswald is left hanging. He now represents a disastrous human remainder. The promised govt-facilitated escape from Dallas cannot materialize. And NB: the flight of 'Oswald' from Red Bird must be called off. All the effort that has gone into associating Mr. Oswald with a pro-Castro CONSPIRACY must now go into isolating and depoliticizing him as a gunman acting alone.

After his arrest, Mr. Oswald still hopes for an intervention by those he has served. But they have already reached a merciless but necessary decision: this man may not keep his cover in custody indefinitely; nor can he stand trial, where a defense team will bring out dangerous facts; he's got to go.

But how is the LHO factor supposed to play out from the perspective of those planning Conspiracy B (the assassination)? What might they (BEFORE the assassination) reasonably expect will happen with Mr. Oswald afterwards? And how do subsequent events (Texas Theatre arrest, etc.) tally with their expectations? Will they even have a hand in these events?

These questions are as tricky as they are intriguing.

I think a useful starting point in working towards an answer to them is the following chain of considerations:

i) pre-11/22, a scenario never enters the minds of EITHER Conspirators A OR Conspirators B that Mr. Oswald will be nailed as a GUNMAN, still less as a gunman ACTING ALONE: it is baked in that the world's understanding will be that the event in Dealey Plaza (whether missed-shots provocation or actual assassination) came about as a result of a pro-Castro conspiracy, with Mr. Oswald playing his part at the front entrance @ assassination-time
ii) NEITHER Conspirators A NOR Conspirators B can afford the prospect of the assassination being properly investigated after the event
iii) Conspirators B can bank on Conspirators A doing everything possible to cover their own tracks with regard to the false-flag operation: in a grotesque irony, Conspirators A will in effect be forced into providing cover not just for themselves but for Conspirators B too
iv) In all likelihood, Conspirators B expect that the damage-control official story will be that Pres. Kennedy was killed by pro-Castro Cubans. (Politically, this is fine and dandy with them-------a secondary dividend of the assassination)
v) It follows that Conspirators B take it as given that no circumstances would arise in which Conspirators A would allow faux-Castroite Mr. Oswald stay around long enough to vocally refuse & refute the role of confederate in the pro-Castro assassination of Pres. Kennedy. (The man's a loyal footsoldier, but he's hardly going to be THAT loyal.....)

After Mr. Oswald's arrest, did Conspirators B simply sit back and
------------------boggle at the sheer unexpected audacity of the establishment in trying to pass of Mr. Oswald as a LONE GUNMAN?
------------------let Conspirators A take care of what everyone knew needed to be done with him?
« Last Edit: September 29, 2023, 04:28:10 PM by Alan Ford »

Offline Michael Welch

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2596 on: September 29, 2023, 05:12:38 PM »
      Here we go again with claims of "ORIGINAL" Wiegman and Darnell Films. In "Pictures Of The Pain", Trask says Wiegman reported seeing SA Lem Johns UP the knoll. Where is Lem Johns on the Current Wiegman Film??  60 yrs out, and we do Not know what we have with there continuing to be Holes in the Wiegman Film along with it purported to have been filmed "continuously" for decades. Using the Wiegman Film as the foundation for any conclusion is an immediate DQ.

Hi Royell, I hope you are doing well! We do have SSA Lem Johns jumping on the back and into Camera Car 1 in Couch! Thank you for everything! Sincerely yours, Michael
Here are pictures of Secret Service agent Lem Johns running and then jumping into the back of Camera Car #1. Sincerely yours, Michael

In this picture Cameraman Thomas Atkins is in the middle of the frame while Officer Clyde Haygood is trying to park his motorcycle.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2596 on: September 29, 2023, 05:12:38 PM »

Offline Royell Storing

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2597 on: September 29, 2023, 07:39:10 PM »
Hi Royell, I hope you are doing well! We do have SSA Lem Johns jumping on the back and into Camera Car 1 in Couch! Thank you for everything! Sincerely yours, Michael
Here are pictures of Secret Service agent Lem Johns running and then jumping into the back of Camera Car #1. Sincerely yours, Michael

In this picture Cameraman Thomas Atkins is in the middle of the frame while Officer Clyde Haygood is trying to park his motorcycle.

    Exactly who is accountable for ID'ing the back of this man as being SA Lem Johns jumping into a Camera Car ??

Offline Michael Welch

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2598 on: September 29, 2023, 08:00:39 PM »
    Exactly who is accountable for ID'ing the back of this man as being SA Lem Johns jumping into a Camera Car ??

Hi Royell, Please see below! Thank you for everything! Sincerely yours, Michael

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This article was published more than 9 years ago

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Former Secret Service agent Lem Johns dies at 88

By Terence McArdle
May 11, 2014 at 7:07 p.m. EDT

Lem Johns, with dark hair, stands partially obscured behind Jacqueline Kennedy, right, as President Lyndon Johnson takes the oath of office on Air Force One in 1963. (Cecil Stoughton/AP)


Lem Johns, a Secret Service agent who guarded Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson during the Kennedy assassination, returned on Air Force One to Washington as Johnson was sworn in as president, and later headed Johnson’s presidential security detail, died SaPersonay at his home in Hoover, Ala. He was 88.

His death was announced by his grandson, Michael Johns, according to the Associated Press.

On Nov, 22, 1963, the day of John F. Kennedy’s assassination in Dallas, Mr. Johns was one of three Secret Service agents riding in a convertible behind Vice President Johnson and his wife, Lady Bird, in the presidential motorcade. Agent Jerry Kivett drove the agents’ car and monitored radio reports of the parade.

Suddenly, they heard the first two shots.

Though unsure whether he had heard gunshots, vehicle backfire or firecrackers, Mr. Johns jumped from the security car and made a dash for the car carrying Johnson.

However, after a third shot, the entire motorcade sped up. Mr. Johns, on foot, was left behind on the street.

Rufus Youngblood, the chief agent in the Johnson security detail, used his body to cover the vice president and Mrs. Johnson as their car followed the Kennedy vehicle and a Secret Service car to Parkland Hospital.

Amid the chaos, Mr. Johns climbed aboard a car carrying photographers, then moved to the sidecar of a police motorcycle en route to Parkland. He found Johnson and the other Secret Service agents at the hospital, waiting as surgeons worked on Kennedy. Texas Gov. John B. Connally also was wounded but survived.

When Kennedy died, an unmarked police cruiser took Johnson and agent Youngblood to Love Field where Air Fo
rce One waited to fly Johnson to Washington. Mr. Johns, who had been seeking a secure hospital exit for Johnson and Youngblood, had to leave for the airport in another police car. Once at the airport, Mr. Johns screened all those who boarded Air Force One while awaiting the arrival of first lady Jacqueline Kennedy and the casket carrying the president’s body. There were concerns about the possibility of an attempt on Johnson’s life.

I think the driver of Camera Car 1's name is John Holt; it is actually John Hofan. He confirmed right away on 11-22-63 that they picked up a SSA in their car in Dealey Plaza.

From around 54:00 to 56:03 John Hofan, who they call John Holt, gives his live account of picking up SSA Lem Johns in Dealey Plaza.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2023, 10:14:05 PM by Michael Welch »

Offline Royell Storing

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2599 on: September 29, 2023, 10:36:27 PM »

Hi Royell, Please see below! Thank you for everything! Sincerely yours, Michael

Democracy Dies in Darkness
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This article was published more than 9 years ago

Search Death Notices
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Former Secret Service agent Lem Johns dies at 88

By Terence McArdle
May 11, 2014 at 7:07 p.m. EDT

Lem Johns, with dark hair, stands partially obscured behind Jacqueline Kennedy, right, as President Lyndon Johnson takes the oath of office on Air Force One in 1963. (Cecil Stoughton/AP)


Lem Johns, a Secret Service agent who guarded Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson during the Kennedy assassination, returned on Air Force One to Washington as Johnson was sworn in as president, and later headed Johnson’s presidential security detail, died SaPersonay at his home in Hoover, Ala. He was 88.

His death was announced by his grandson, Michael Johns, according to the Associated Press.

On Nov, 22, 1963, the day of John F. Kennedy’s assassination in Dallas, Mr. Johns was one of three Secret Service agents riding in a convertible behind Vice President Johnson and his wife, Lady Bird, in the presidential motorcade. Agent Jerry Kivett drove the agents’ car and monitored radio reports of the parade.

Suddenly, they heard the first two shots.

Though unsure whether he had heard gunshots, vehicle backfire or firecrackers, Mr. Johns jumped from the security car and made a dash for the car carrying Johnson.

However, after a third shot, the entire motorcade sped up. Mr. Johns, on foot, was left behind on the street.

Rufus Youngblood, the chief agent in the Johnson security detail, used his body to cover the vice president and Mrs. Johnson as their car followed the Kennedy vehicle and a Secret Service car to Parkland Hospital.

Amid the chaos, Mr. Johns climbed aboard a car carrying photographers, then moved to the sidecar of a police motorcycle en route to Parkland. He found Johnson and the other Secret Service agents at the hospital, waiting as surgeons worked on Kennedy. Texas Gov. John B. Connally also was wounded but survived.

When Kennedy died, an unmarked police cruiser took Johnson and agent Youngblood to Love Field where Air Fo
rce One waited to fly Johnson to Washington. Mr. Johns, who had been seeking a secure hospital exit for Johnson and Youngblood, had to leave for the airport in another police car. Once at the airport, Mr. Johns screened all those who boarded Air Force One while awaiting the arrival of first lady Jacqueline Kennedy and the casket carrying the president’s body. There were concerns about the possibility of an attempt on Johnson’s life.

I think the driver of Camera Car 1's name is John Holt. He confirmed right away on 11-22-63 that they picked up a SSA in their car in Dealey Plaza.

From around 54:00 to 56:03 John Holt gives his live account of picking up SSA Lem Johns in Dealey Plaza.

   Michael - Thanks for this post. The SA Lem Johns 11/22/63 journey following shots being fired inside Dealey Plaza is confusing at best. Johns filed an 11/29/63 Report which conflicts with many of the facts? contained in the McArdle piece you have posted.  Johns detailed in his report that he jumped out of the LBJ Security Car, (a hard top vehicle not a "convertible" as per the McArdle piece), and then running down Elm St toward the LBJ convertible. No Dealey Plaza eyewitness or any image captured that day has revealed an SS Agent exiting the LBJ Security Car and then running down Elm St. toward the LBJ Convertible. Johns also claimed that he was left standing in Elm St as the JFK Motorcade sped away, though eyewitnesses and filmed images that day also failed to corroborate his claim here too. Johns claimed that he never left Elm St after the motorcade sped away. This flies in the face of Wiegman reporting in Trask's "Pictures Of The Pain" to have seen SA Johns as Wiegman ran UP the knoll. Wiegman seeing Johns on the Knoll is important as NO AGENTS were allegedly assigned a position inside Dealey Plaza that day. I bring the SA Johns position inside Dealey Plaza up as Mal Couch, (Camera Car #3), reported a "blood pool" of roughly 9 inches in the area across from the Texas School Book Depository/Elm St Ext. We know where Wiegman was when he ran UP the knoll and reported seeing SA Johns, and we know where the LBJ Security Car was when shots were fired. Both of these possible SA Johns scenarios places this on-the-ground armed agent in very close proximity to the approximately 9 Inch blood pool detailed by the respected Mal Couch in his WC Testimony. The itinerary of SA Lem Johns on 11/22/63 remains a serious mystery to this day     
« Last Edit: September 29, 2023, 10:42:16 PM by Royell Storing »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #2599 on: September 29, 2023, 10:36:27 PM »