[Mr. Doudna is] very right to query the assumption that Prayer Man in Wiegman must be the same person as Prayer Man in Darnell. For some time now I myself have been querying this assumption, which I suspect has caused no end of confusion.

PM/Darnell is on the landing; PM/Wiegman is down at least one step.
Their bodies are oriented differently (compare the position of the left elbows).
Friends, forget Prayer Woman in Darnell for a moment. (Of forever, if you're being sensible.)
exactly is Prayer-Man-
in-Wiegman standing?

Not on the landing, that's for sure.
Look how
low his right elbow goes when it's lowered. Look how close it comes to the narrow column of brickwork behind the white column.
And look at the
height of this right elbow, when it's raised, in relation to the top of the black man in front's head.
Now compare Red Shirt Man in Hughes:

If he were to half-raise his LEFT arm the way Prayer Man in Wiegman's is raised,
it would come up to the same height.When he raises his RIGHT hand to his face the way Prayer Man in Wiegman does,
it comes up to the same height.
Prayer Man in Wiegman appears to be standing on the same step (the fourth from the bottom) as Red Shirt Man in Hughes.NB! Red Shirt Man in Hughes LOOKS closer to the black man than does Prayer Man in Wiegman. But that's only because of the different angles at which Messrs. Hughes & Wiegman are filming. Note that Red Shirt Man in Hughes is not
in the black man's shade: he is catching all that direct sunlight. This would not be happening were he not at a significant distance behind him. Note also that Red Shirt Man in Hughes is right over close to the column and is still catching a whole lotta sunlight. (I point this out, in part, for the benefit of the fools who argued that Mr. Lovelady in Wiegman, over near the center rail, is half-shadowed due to 'natural shadow cast by the western column'---------complete fantasy.)
It appears that
------Prayer Man in Wiegman is on the fourth step up (same as Mr. Lovelady in the LATTER Wiegman frames)
------there is someone up on the landing behind him.
Just like the configuration we see in Hughes, where a head can be seen behind Red Shirt Man:

So: what is it that's stopping us from believing that Prayer Man in Wiegman is simply the same person as Red Shirt Man in Hughes?
New Question: Can a person stand where Prayer Man in Wiegman is standing, and facing forward out of the doorway, without catching a healthy amount of direct sunlight on much of his body?
Red Shirt Man in Hughes certainly can't do it. So how is it that Prayer Man in Wiegman is able to pull it off?