Friends, we will never dispel the confusion that has reigned for six decades unless we attain clarity on the 'guiltocent' Mr. Oswald's impossible predicament in custody.
For us, his going out on to the front steps for the motorcade ===========> his INNOCENCE (of the crime of shooting Pres. Kennedy)
For him, his going out on to the front steps and what he did out there =============> his GUILT (of involvement in a 'pro-Castro' conspiracy)
By the same token.................
The Warren Gullibles could, in principle (if not necessarily in fact), have a long evidentiary wish-list granted:
-Connection of Mr. Oswald to the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle
-Authenticity of backyard photos
-Unusual behavior from Mr. Oswald on morning 11/22
-Mr. Oswald's fingerprints on long paper bag & SN box
-Mr. Oswald acting like a guilty man post-assassination
-Lies told by Mr. Oswald in custody
The problem for the Warren Gullibles is that none of these will ever be nearly enough to credibly put Mr. Oswald in that window in that building at that time with that rifle firing those shots.
Worse still, all of the above would not only fit the false-flag scenario too, it would fit it
better than it ever did the LN scenario.
And that's the very best it could ever conceivably get for the poor deluded Warren Gullibles. Because from there on in, we'd be looking at all the evidence they do NOT like talking about...................