I would caution against the assumption that the figure taken to be Mr. Lovelady in Bell is too wide to be one person.
Sure, when one looks at the women lower in the frame (i.e. the women out front in the line of spectators on the north side of Elm), he looks too big.
But check out 'Cowboy Man In White', or Mr. Danny Arce just beside him, or the bulky man in working khaki a little west of then. Then compare 'Lovelady'.
The aforementioned 'small' women are turned a little east to see the limousine, so we're not seeing their full width. This is not the case with 'Cowboy Man' & Co.
More to the point, look at Mrs. Madie Reese in white just in front of 'Lovelady'. Admittedly, she's a big lady, but in proximity to her 'Lovelady' doesn't look improbably big.
We have to bear in mind that Mr. Bell is filming from quite some distance away, so the difference in stature between folks standing out by the street on north side of Elm and folks in doorway may not be so pronounced as one might expect. And look at the folks by the concrete reflecting pool (south side of Elm)----------they're not greatly larger than folks across the street.
At the distance at which Bell is filming, the difference in size between north-side-of-Elm streetside spectators and doorway occupants is not nearly so big as in, say, Towner, which is filmed much closer.
All that said, I still think we may be getting a bit of Mr. Oswald's reddish shirt in Bell.
And I continue to be troubled by the improbable
squareness of the white 'Lovelady tshirt':

I also must once again draw attention to the WHITE and BLUE in FRONT of Mr. Lovelady in these frames here--------------can anyone offer an explanation for these colors other than the one I have given?

Because the story we have been told is that this is Mr. Lovelady emerging from behind 'Carl Edward Jones'. How the heck does 'Carl Edward Jones' yield WHITE and BLUE?
I propose that the blue belongs to the black gentleman's upraised left arm (which we have already seen in Hughes), and the white to Mr. Oswald's tshirt.
Remember: this black gentleman shows up wearing BLUE in the Hughes film:

Now! If you're serious about finding THIS fellow in white on the left-----------

--------------then the tall man standing straight across from Mr. Blue, on the EAST side of the doorway, is a much better bet:

His presence there appears to have gone unnoticed before now. There may be a reason for that................
And let us note, finally, that by the time of Darnell he has vacated his spot on the lower east side of the doorway: