Friends, I've long been bugged by how
pink Mrs. Madie Reese's coat is showing up in Towner:

But nothing like a
Davidson Stabilization to sort out signal from noise.
That pink ain't from Mrs. Reese's coat. It chiefly belongs to the raised (unsleeved) right forearm of this lady whom Towner catches after she's raised it to wave:

I say the pink
chiefly belongs to her, because Miss Towner's POV is giving us a
blend of this lady's unsleeved right forearm and that of the lady standing and waving a few feet behind her. Mr. Davidson's stabilized version of Towner allows us to see the flapping up and down of the hands (to viewer's right of the object being waved in the doorway):

Mrs. Reese, in short, is being all but blocked from Towner's view by these ladies' raised arms.