Friends, we have established beyond ANY doubt that the flag is being waved by Red Shirt Man whom we have seen
just a couple of seconds before this in Hughes:

So Red Shirt Man is still standing behind the black man standing by the white western column. This is not an opinion, it's just a straight statement of fact.
How curious, then, that Towner shows THIS in a spot where Hughes apparently shows no one at all:

There isn't supposed to be anyone standing HERE on the steps. ! Nor can this red possibly belong to the lower body of anyone standing up on the landing, because it goes down TOO LOW.
Nor can it possibly belong to the white-attired Mrs. Madie Reese.
Nor can it possily belong to anyone out in the line of streetside spectators.
Nor can it possibly belong to the flag being waved by Red Shirt Man, for that flag is visibly cleared out of its way when the flag is raised to higher elevation.
And yet...............there IS someone there, in red clothing.
It couldn't be simpler: this person in red is positioned FAR BACK enough NOT to show up prominently in Hughes.
And the ONLY way that is possible, and the only way this person's red-attired upper body can be seen at this height, is if that person is SEATED several steps up/back.
And! There is only one person this can possibly be:
Mr. Billy Lovelady.
The Towner film is showing us TWO figures in red:
a) Mr. Lovelady watching the motorcade from a seated position
b) Mr. Oswald waving a flag energetically at the motorcade from a standing position.
Anyone who disagrees is cordially invited to complete the following sentence:
'The red area marked by the yellow arrows does not belong to Billy Lovelady. It is in fact_______________________________________'

Best of luck!