So, after all your huffing and puffing, you are now forced to accept that Mr. Lovelady standing on a box is indeed a realistic explanation?
Splendid. Your wild notion that 'mystery man' (~grin~) might be your accused assassin Mr. Dougherty can now be consigned to the trash can--------along with what little was left of your credibility as a student of the visual record.

The Fantastical Mr Ford rides in on his unicorn again.
Your "Multi-racial Assassination Death Squad Roaming Around the TSBD Building" theory [MADS for short] is the product of a truly fevered imagination.
Only to be outdone by your "Oswald Rolling Out a Banner" theory.
But none are as ridiculous as your "Prayer Man" theory.
What a joke that was. Glad to see you woke up from that nightmare but, oh, those wasted years.
And what about my crazy "Mystery Man" theory.
An really tall, unidentified TSBD employee appears in Alyea's film. Only Jack Dougherty fits that bill.
The film is taken in the immediate aftermath of the rifle's discovery, before Day has picked it up to inspect it.
In his WC testimony Dougherty states - " the time I got to the sixth floor, they had found a gun..."
A really tall, unidentified TSBD employee is filmed on the 6th floor after the rifle's discovery.
What a crazy theory!
Or is it really sensible?
Obviously, my suspicion that Dougherty was the shooter is at odds with your MADS theory, so it's little wonder you're hostile to it.
Just like you were hostile with anyone who challenged your "Prayer Man" theory [or any other of your half-baked theories for that matter].
As such, any 'cririque' coming from your direction will be treated with the pinch of salt it deserves.