We see a little sliver of her unsleeved raised right arm behind Lady #2's unsleeved raised right arm.
You're so full of it.
Now. Have you found a rational explanation yet for the fact that the fluttering coming from Lady #1's hand at no point shows in Bell right behind khaki man's head, as 'it' does (according to your bizarre geometry-breaking claim) in Towner? Your continued avoidance of this problem has been screaming volumes 
I've already dealt with it, the post before last.
Your eyes are telling you that Arce is stood behind and to the left (as we look at it) of Stetson. That Blue Lady is stood behind and left of Arce and that Black Lady is stood behind and left of Blue lady. That they are stood in a diagonal line going backwards with Stetson at the front and Black Lady at the back.
This would put a relatively large distance between Black Lady (#1) and Gray Lady (#2), as Gray Lady, Khaki Man and Stetson are stood in the same forward position.
What you're not realising is that 1) Black Lady is NOT stood behind and to the left of Blue Lady - she is stood directly behind and in between Gray Lady (#2) and Khaki Man and 2) Everyone is stood a lot closer together than you appreciate.
This Weigman pic gives a better understanding of how closely everyone is stood together:

In Bell we see the Lady in Black (#1) with her arm raised stood in between Khaki and Gray.
In Towner we see exactly the same thing.
In Bell we see Lady #1 waving something furiously in her right hand.
In Towner we see exactly the same thing.
In both Towner and Bell, the thing being waved furiously is in perfect sync.
You simply cannot escape the fact that the Lady in Black (#1) is clearly visible in Towner:

You cannot escape the fact that in Towner she has her arm raised and is waving something furiously.
She is in exactly the position we would expect to find her - behind and to the left of Lady#2 and in between Lady#2 and Khaki Man.
You can try and pretend that the black raised arm is a red shirt. That's fine.
Instead of dealing with the points I raise, you can say I'm hallucinating or lost. That's fine.
But you cannot escape the fact that the Lady in Black is clearly visible in Towner.
It's not my fault you don't understand perspective or PoV.
The trouble is
you really need me to be wrong. That's why you're in denial.
Otherwise "The Ballad of Oswald's Flag" is no more.
If it's just going to be name calling or stamping your little foot, don't bother.
If it's going to be a genuine argument with evidence to support it, knock yourself out.