Dear Alan, (~snip snip~)
Thank you for this error-riddled essay, Mr O'Meara, which amounts to little more than an extended exercise in missing the point!
We agree that Mr Lovelady can be seen in Darnell, talking to (probably) Ms Calvery--------------

Now for the problems!
1. Sorry, but this large man is
not Mr Shelley--------------

-------------try as you might to convince yourself that it is by restricting yourself to a frame showing him profile... (nice try though!)
2. Mr Shelley's own same-day affidavit says he ran into Ms Calvery (whom he knew well BTW!) at the "corner" of the "park". This would put him away from the steps by the time of Darnell, and would (if he's telling the truth in that affidavit) explain why he's nowhere to be found there. (And no, "Multiple witnesses" do NOT "have him at the steps around this time.") What's certain is that he's lying in his WC testimony.
Both Mr Lovelady and Mr Shelley are lying in their WC testimonies with respect to their sighting of Officer Baker and Mr Truly's dash into the building. Which leaves you with a grand total of zero credible witnesses to both men's dash into the building.
Does that mean they didn't dash into the building? No! It just means your argument that the much more inconspicuous Mr Oswald's going unnoticed by most folk on the steps for the v. short time he was out there means he can't have been out there is pitifully weak------------as have all the arguments we've heard to date from
Team Keep LHO Away From The Front Entrance!
But now to the question--------------Why would Messrs Lovelady and Shelley lie about their immediate post-assassination movements?
Mr Lovelady's reason is easy to establish, Mr Shelley's not so easy.
Mr Lovelady is hiding the fact-------which he was not yet so anxious to hide when he spoke with Mr Jarman shortly after the assassination---------that
he witnessed the encounter at the front door between Officer Baker, Mr Oswald and Mr Truly.
That's right-----------------the encounter which DPD were happily telling the world about later that day (
before everyone realized that it gave Mr Oswald an alibi and needed to be swapped out with a makey-uppey lunchroom encounter)! Yep, the selfsame encounter which Mr Oswald was telling Captain Fritz about in custody (as per Postal Inspector Holmes' testimony).
Mr Oswald told the truth about his movements in these minutes. What has come to light about what he said in custody offers a compelling counter-narrative to the official story. He really did visit the second-floor lunchroom for a coke before the assassination; he really did return to the first floor, where he saw Messrs Jarman and Norman re-enter the building by the back; he really did go outside to watch the P. parade; and he really did have an encounter involving an officer and Mr Truly at the front entrance. The 'investigating' authorities knew all this within hours of the assassination, and they got to work quickly to bury their suspect's alibi.
The reasons you have thus far put forward for disallowing Mr Oswald's own claims and siding with the cover-up are predicated on making him Mr Conspicuous when you need him to be Mr Conspicuous, and Mr Invisible when you need him to be Mr Invisible. Not gonna wash!