No takers, eh?
I'll describe what I'm seeing, see if it rings any bells with you smokers out there. The Shadow Person is, as the name would suggest, a person stood completely in the shadows, no part of their body is being hit by sunlight. This tells me that the light source held in the hand isn't an object reflecting the sun which also tells me the light source is 'self-generating'. The order of the two images is also important. Using Lovelady's motion down the steps I think it is safe to say the image where the light source is being held to the face comes first. Taking a closer look at the images it is possible to make out, using the hairline as a reference point, that in the first image the face is tilted slightly downward and then straightens up in the second.

A 'self-generating' light source being held to a slightly tilted head. As a smoker myself I'm aware that when someone offers you a light you tilt your head slightly forward to receive it, what is strange, when I come to think of it, is that when you light your own cigarette you very often do the same tilting of the head even though it seems unnecessary:

These are just a few images from dozens I could have chosen from. Very often the other hand is cupped around the cigarette to protect the flame from any wind but you need both hands to be free in order to do this:

Also, if you have both hands free you will take the cigarette out of your mouth with one hand and blow out the match being held in the other but if you only have one hand free you will move the flame away from your face and shake it out. Going back to the close-up Gif. In the second image, the one where the head straightens up, the lower part of the face seems strangely distorted. It looks to me like it could possibly be a plume of smoke.

I have only very basic tools for photo enhancement but two things seem to be suggested -
1) The light source seems brightest in the centre
2) The possibility of a cigarette-end glowing
I can't be sure of these things because, as I say, I am using very basic tools that could be throwing up all kinds of artificial artefacts. Take a look at the close-up Gif and see what you think - is it someone leaning in to light a cigarette then straightening up and blowing out a cloud of smoke?