From the sun? In both positions?
The Shadow Person is completely in shadow (please demonstrate otherwise if you believe that's not the case. All I can say is "I can see that with my eyes" which hardly constitutes proof) yet, you seem to be implying, they are holding something that the sun reflects off in both the higher and lower positions without ever having any part of their body in the sun.
What could the sun be reflecting off? Well, we can safely say it's not something you drink out of. The head tilted forward when the "reflection" is close to the face seems like a completely unnatural drinking position. We can also assume the Coke bottle on the steps is Lovelady's.
I wonder what you could be referring to?
If this is a bottle, then (as I see it)---------
When bottle is held near-vertically, some of its lower part is forward enough to catch some sunlight
When bottle is brought up to mouth, its underside is far forward enough to catch some sunlight, as is the man's right elbow.
The man's head does
not tilt forward when he brings the bottle to his mouth. It tilts back!