The problem is that there is not a single witness who stated he/she saw Oswald outside, in front of the TSBD at the time of the assassination, right? If someone could have provided Oswald with an ironclad alibi I am sure at least one or perhaps a few would have spoken up, don't you? Especially his friend Frazier.
Or! Not a single witness was
willing or allowed to go on the record stating that they had seen Mr Oswald out there. His friend Mr Frazier was threatened with a conspiracy to assassinate JFK charge. So was another employee who happened to have been standing at that door: Mr Molina. If
you were told that you or your family would not be safe in the event that you failed to keep your mouth shut, would you be quick to proclaim the truth to the world?
I have no doubt that Mr Oswald
1) went unsurprisingly unnoticed by most people out on those steps (he wasn't yet famous, remember!)
2) did
not go unnoticed by (at a minimum tally) Messrs Frazier, Molina, Shelley, Truly & Officer Baker
Thankfully, we have ample evidence supporting the claim that Mr Oswald did indeed go out onto those steps to watch the motorcade:
a) Mr Oswald's own claim to that effect in custody ("Then went outside to watch P. parade")
b) The lies told about Mr Oswald's claim (=
proof of cover-up)
c) The distortion(s) of Ms Carolyn Arnold's witness recollection
d) The proven impossibility of the 'shadow' down Mr Lovelady in the Wiegman film (---> what, if not something Oswald-related, did they want to hide??)
e) The Day-1 statements by DPD that Mr Oswald was seen
at the front entrance immediately after the shooting
f) FBI agents' intense relief (as noted by Mr Billy Lovelady) when it turned out that the man in the doorway in Altgens was
not Mr Oswald
g) the presence in both the Wiegman and the Darnell films of this guy standing over on his own by the west wall of the entrance, whom nobody for the life of them can explain away as someone other than Mr Oswald (and believe me they have tried!):

It seems unlikely at this stage that Mr Frazier will ever find the courage to confirm that yes, his friend was out there. At least not verbally. However, I honestly believe he may have already come clean non-verbally---------------