That is a possibility, Mr. O'meara, but given Mr. Lovelady's penchant for lying, and the fact his testimony came five months after the assassination ----->
The testimony of Billy Nolan Lovelady was taken at 3:50 p.m., on April 7, 1964, in the office of the U.S. attorney, 301 Post Office Building, Bryan and Ervay Streets, Dallas, Tex., by Messrs. Joseph A. Ball and Samuel A. Stern, assistant counsel of the President's Commission.
it wouldn't surprise that the mechanisms by then to remove any trace of Prayer Man standing there out front in the entrance would already be well underway, thus his coke bottle morphs into yet another misleading falsehood to remove him from the scene.
Without wanting to sound too harsh I find this to be Magical Thinking. Completely made up and based on nothing. I agree, Lovelady is a liar, but to imagine he is lying about such a trivial detail reveals a desperation to defend two very wrongheaded assumptions:
1) It's Oswald on the steps
2) The light source is a reflection off a glass bottle
My look into this case has taken me in a completely different direction than John Mytton but this is not the first time he's stepped into a thread with something devastating. Here he presents
video evidence of Lee Harvey Oswald placing himself inside the TSBD at the time of the assassination:
Oswald: I work
in that building [the TSBD]
Reprter: Were you
in the building at the time?
Oswald: Naturally, if I work
in that building, yes sir.
There are so many good arguments against the identification of Oswald as the Shadow Person but none are definitive.
This is definitive.However, too many people have spent too much time defending this nonsense and have now painted themselves into a corner. I look forward to how Magical Thinking copes with
definitive video evidence of Oswald placing himself inside the TSBD during the assassination. A record of the words coming out of his own mouth.
This should be entertaining