I can't help wondering did Agent Hosty deliberately leave his draft report in his notes, secure in the knowledge that it would meet the daylight of day sooner or later... It is striking how he never backed up the claim that Mr Oswald talked about any post-assassination second-floor lunchroom encounter with a cop and Mr Truly.

Men of honour have a way of appeasing the prevalent winds of their day while simultaneously leaving discreet clues to challenge treason when they witness it. Courage & integrity like theirs doesn't grow on trees.
Sdebar: Should you venture back this way Mr. Ford, no need to respond to this sidebar addendum, but for clarification sake and, of course, in fairness to you & those reading along just wanted you to be aware that my initial interest into the JFK assassination came about in May, 2014. In those days, I was able to register a forum membership in my name without the use of my middle initial. Though I was a young puppy then, I dared to jump over in the deep end of the pool so to speak. My avatar then featured Charlton Heston upon a horse drawn chariot right out of the movie Ben Hur. In those days, given my then puppy status I use to make some pretty wild statements like, quote, "Mr. Oswald couldn't even beat Barney Fife in an armed wrestling match let alone kill somebody". Of course, to their credit, the savvy veterans, especially the LNs who I respect nevertheless, would reign me in and place me on a tight leash so to speak, resulting in more than a few PM's in my box "setting me straight". The late Gary Mack (RIP) would remind me often how wrong I was, how clueless I was, etc, may he rest in peace anyway.
I ended up leaving this forum in early January, 2015 to write a book on a non-related subject. Long story short, several years later when I attempted to rejoin here, Mr. Ford, you had already signed on, thus I resorted to using my middle initial. If at any time you feel a tinge of discomfort with the similarities in our names posting on here, just PM me and I'll respectfully leave once again. At this point, I pretty much think everyone here knows my position anyway & where I stand on the innocence of the framed party. Whatever you decide no harm, no foul, I have complete trust in the direction your exemplary research is headed.
Signing off here for now. Best wishes to all to remain safe, well and healthy amid the ongoing pandemic challenges we are facing. Back next weekend G-d willing to reengage. Remember, Mr. Ford, just PM me and I'll take the necessary action moving forward, remaining here in spite of the similarities in our names or leave once again. Stay sharp, Cheers M8.