No, Mr Mytton, he was stating that he went outside to watch the motorcade. Which is what he did---------which is why Captain Fritz and his pals hid his statement from the world!
On your rather desperate reading, Mr Oswald tells Captain Fritz: 'A cop came running into the room, stuck a gun in my belly and asked me if I worked there. Mr Truly told him I did and they went off running up the stairs. This happens to us employees most days around lunchtime, so I didn't think anything of it. Then I went downstairs, had lunch and went outside to watch the Presidential parade. Imagine my surprise when...'
Great theory you got there, Mr Mytton! 
What's gotta hurt, Mr Mytton, is that you can't for the life of you find a way to rebut the simple fact that there is only one place that can be said to be both 'in the building' and 'outside': the front entranceway!
Of course, had the reporter asked Mr Oswald, 'Were you inside the building at the time?', it's likely Mr Oswald would have answered a little more expansively along the lines, 'Well, sir, I was on the front steps of the building.' A pity that's not how it played out? Sure. But now----------thanks to the Hosty draft report that has broken your heart----------we know exactly where Mr Oswald claimed to have been. So... you lose------again! 
Oswwald states he was "upstairs" and then encounters Baker and Trully as he descends to the 2nd floor.
There is a huge problem with Oswald's statements. Actually he admits he was upstairs during the assassination. Not only that but the only person in the entire TSBD oblivious to the sound of gunfire. A Marine who doesn't know the sound of gunfire.
Oswald can't be both outside on the first floor and then upstairs returning to the 2nd floor when the commotion starts. Either way his statements see to revolve around the 2nd floor. On one story is he gets a soda on the second floor and then goes downstairs to eat lunch and he then goes outside to watch the parade. In another story he is upstairs unaware of the assassination and encountering Baker and Truly on the 2nd floor as he is coming down.
LHO: "... After all this commotion started, I just went downstairs and started to see what it was all about. A police officer and my superintendent of the place stepped up and told officers that I am one of the employees in the building. . ."
Oswald also states that he was outside:
Question What time did you go to lunch?
Oswald At noon.
Question Where did you go for lunch?
Oswald I went to the 2nd floor to get a coke then went back to the 1st floor to eat my lunch.
Question Then what happened?
Oswald I then went outside to watch the Presidents Parade.
Apparently LHO could not tell the same story twice. He might have not been sure if the secretaries on the 4th floor had actually seen him as he went down the stairs.